Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 107

Vladimir Tkach:
I wonder if there is a diagnosis in medicine that fits such artists? 'Referring to a problem', 'about man's impact on climate change' - because these installations do not in any way address the problems voiced.


It's just an ad for Miami. It's the beaches... All sorts of holiday homes, etc. And the fact that it's disguised as a "work of art" is more of a hype, i.e. increases the effectiveness of the advertisement.

Igor Makanu:

it's just a popular topic

I can't recall a single environmentalist who came on foot, without clothes - covered with burlap, without a phone, without the internet, without denying media coverage - all of the above (clothing, transport, electronics, media broadcasting....) requires a lot of energy, which is a source of environmental degradation

HH: even the availability of food is the manufacture of machinery, the use of fuels and lubricants, the use of fertilizers.... As an option, an environmentalist should grow cucumbers and tomatoes with a stick and cut cereals with a sickle to feed the family farm - then I believe that the man really tries to change something and cares deeply about climate change)))))

You probably haven't seen the ecology or at least the industrial processes that are killing the ecology. No one is against all the benefits of civilization, no need to lose your head when the chips are down ... the money is pouring in...

Aleksey Nikolayev:

It looks like the emergence of some new religion - some variant of paganism on a new level. Even your claims about them are quite similar to those usually made against religious figures.

And Paganism is not a religion, it is a set of some attributes originally inherent in the ethnos and defining it. One can make very interesting discoveries if one asks on the internet about the origin and the meaning of the word "paganism". It is the same with the word "heretic" - there are also wondrous discoveries to be made.

Igor Makanu:

I disagree.

I try to evaluate "other people's concern for the well-being of the entire world" from the position "Aren't you too rich?

SZZY: From this perspective I am amused by heated debates at work between working pensioners and young employees with underage children, the first one can't get enough of life, while the second one grinds his teeth on hearing familiar names from the media

Well, "concern for the universal welfare" is usually easily cured by a summer two-week hot water cut-off) or something similar.)

More difficult with a complete disregard for normal scientific research on climate.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Well, "concern for universal well-being" is usually easily cured by a summer two-week hot water shutdown) or something similar)

More difficult with a complete disregard for normal scientific research on climate.

I completely agree, but this problem, unfortunately, can only be solved by the development of science - it is expensive, and industries will not sponsor scientific research on their own, only the state can afford to do it.... Let's not discuss where and how the environmental levy is spent in our country ;)

Dmitry Fedoseev:

You probably have not seen ecology or at least the industrial processes that kill the environment. No one is against the benefits of civilization, there is no need to lose your head when the chips are down... the money's pouring in...

I've seen it, I've been everywhere.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And Paganism is not a religion, it is a set of attributes inherent in an ethnic group that defines it. One can make very interesting discoveries by searching the internet for the origin and meaning of the word "paganism". The same way with the word "heretic" - miraculous discoveries await you as well.

Inquire, then, about the word "religion".

Aleksey Nikolayev:

You might as well ask about the word "religion".

I don't need to, I did it a long time ago, but you should.


British company Nose Warmer has launched nose hats in the run-up to winter

Dmitry Fedoseev:

And Paganism is not a religion, it is a set of attributes inherent in an ethnic group that defines it. One can make very interesting discoveries by searching the internet for the origin and meaning of the word "paganism". Similarly, with the word "heretic" there are also marvellous discoveries to be made.

Dimitri, it's come to our attention that you've taken a fancy to Gunn's angles

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Dimitri, it's come to our attention that you're into Gunn's angles.

Just like scouts, there's no such thing as an ex-pop?