Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 58


dreams ...


A very sad poem-song, it almost made me cry ...
(by Valentin Tsehmister)

Put the hamster in a cage,
There's a cushion and sawdust in it,
But the hamster has no girl,
But there is a feeder and a drinker.
Very sad hamster live without a girlfriend,
A hamster's sad without a sweetheart
And he's not happy without a cushion,
No feeder, no drinker.
A hamster's girlfriend was given to him,
Very white and fluffy.
And the little friend chewed up the cushion
And pooped her clean drinker.
And the hamster felt sorry for the pad,
And he especially felt sorry for the watering trough,
And in the dark night, he chewed up his little friend,
He buried the fluffy corpse in the sawdust.
And in the morning he was sad and sad,
for his fluffy white baby girl,
He broke his trough out of despair
And hanged himself on the twig of his cage.

Sergey Golubev:

A very sad poem-song, it almost made me cry ...
(by Valentin Tsehmister)

Put the hamster in a cage,
There's a cushion and sawdust in it,
But the hamster has no girl,
But there is a feeder and a drinker.
Very sad hamster live without a girlfriend,
A hamster's sad without a sweetheart
And he's not happy without a cushion,
No feeder, no drinker.
A hamster's girlfriend was given to him,
Very white and fluffy.
And the little friend chewed up the cushion
And pooped her clean drinker.
The hamster felt sorry for the pad,
And he especially felt sorry for the watering trough,
And in the dark night, he chewed up his little friend,
He buried the fluffy corpse in the sawdust.
And in the morning he was sad and sad,
for his fluffy white baby girl,
He broke his trough out of despair
And hanged himself on the twig of his cage.

Vladimir Karputov:

And this really is a song!
I didn't know.
But I don't like the ending. And who the actual author of the beginning of these verses is - I don't know anymore either.

Sergey Golubev:

And that's really a song!
I didn't know.
But I don't like the ending. And who the actual author of the beginning of these verses is - I don't know anymore either.

The lyrics are folk, the music is folk.



Олег avtomat:


No, it's a parody.
There's, like, a bawdy chanson - just three examples:


I didn't steal, I didn't steal,
I loved freedom.
I went to Siberia
I did my first year.


And tomorrow my last sentence will be counted.
And again, baby, we'll meet again.
And in the morning they'll take me to our prison yard,
And there I'll close my eyes forever.


The thief found that grave in the field
Where they recently buried their son.
Here all the time convicts were buried,
The gray crosses were silent.
The old thief stood in the cold snow,
His gray hair was torn by the wind.
A tear froze on his cheek,
The smoke from his cigarette flew away.


This song about a hamster is a parody on a bawdy chanson (which in its time there was a lot on TV and radio stations, and they just called it a chanson song, and the whole country was singing along as if they'd all done 20 years in prison).

So this parody about a hamster shows that the blatny chanson (and speech and posts "in a French horn") is not cool, but funny.

For example, if someone tells you - "I'm a cool dude with authority, and you all are gamblers, stop this rotten bazaar and shut up the botalo bullshit ...", then just remember the song about the hamster, cry and walk away.


San Antonio (Texas) waterfront now before Christmas

Sergey Golubev:

No, it's a parody.
There is, for example, blatnoy chanson - just three examples:





And this hamster song is a parody of the blatnoy chanson (which at one time was a lot on TV and radio stations, and they called it just a chanson song, and the whole country sang along as if they had all served 20 years in prison).

So this parody about the hamster shows that the blatny chanson (and speeches and posts "in a French horn") is not cool, it's funny.

For example, if someone tells you - "I'm a cool dude with authority, but you all are gamblers, stop this rotten bazaar and shut up botalo bullshit ...", then just remember the song about the hamster, cry and pass by.

And this is an interpretation of degeneration (one of many possible interpretations). But that doesn't stop degeneration from being degeneracy.

The interpretation itself can be either positive, negative or neutral, while implicitly indicating the interpreter's attitude towards the entity he is interpreting.

How to create a pool with clear (almost mountainous) water: