Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 42


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Vladimir Rumyantsev was born in 1957 and is an artist. He lives in St. Petersburg. The heroes of his paintings are cats, and cats of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg Cats). You can read about him here.

He is a member of the Russian Union of Artists and the Society of Aqualerists of St Petersburg. His works can be found not only in eight museum collections in Russia, but also in private collections in Germany, Finland, the USA, Great Britain and Sweden.

Sergey Golubev:

Vladimir Rumyantsev was born in 1957 and is an artist. He lives in St. Petersburg. The heroes of his paintings are cats, and cats of St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg Cats). You can read about him here.

He is a member of the Russian Union of Artists and the Society of Aqualerists of St Petersburg. His works can be found not only in eight museum collections in Russia, but also in private collections in Germany, Finland, the USA, Great Britain and Sweden.

Peter is somehow faintly observed, but the cat is good ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Peter is somehow faintly observed, but the cat is good ))

There, if you follow the link in my post - there are a lot of cats, and all about Peter. And a photo of the artist himself.


Recorded by the child (recorded a long time ago, from memory) ... when the child was talking about sleeping at night (talking himself to sleep).
The speech was long ... yawned - continued ... yawned again ...
I only remembered (and wrote down) a small part of the speech.
Now my son has grown up, and works nights (and sleeps during the day), so when I showed him this snippet of his speech in bed - he did not even react.
And I deeply regret that I didn't record his whole speech when he was very young.


"... For gophers, there are two options in the evening - either sleep or die. So they sleep soundly. Also, animals are divided into different subspecies or something.
And penguins are not divided. They're just penguins - they're fat and they don't fly. And they also sleep soundly at night..."



Sergey Golubev:

There if you follow the link in my post - there are lots of cats, all about Peter. And a photo of the artist himself.

3 letter reference, didn't notice. The pictures are good, some of the places are recognisable.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

3 letter reference, didn't notice. The paintings are good, some of the locations are recognisable.

This artist hails from my hometown. Not Peter!


And this is the decor at the White House (USA) for Christmas ... criticised on Twitter - they say it's "ominous decorations", but maybe it's taken from this angle ...


And this photo is for those who don't know what gophers are

Sergey Golubev:

And this photo is for those who don't know what gophers are

Maybe they're gophers.

The gopher is fatter.