Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 14


M.M. Botvinnik:

The world is forever divided into two irreconcilable camps - chess players and non-chess players.


Users open similar threads.

For example, an English-speaking user can enter the Russian part of the forum, read it with the built-in translator and open a similar thread in his English part.
And vice versa.

It is already normal when someone in the English part of the forum will ask something in English and they will be given a link to a branch of the Russian part of the forum.
And vice versa.

I think, that after a while, the "assimilation of language parts of the forum" will happen, and there will be similar branches everywhere, started by different users.
Further development will lead to the situation, that a branch started by someone here will be answered in Russian (through an interpreter) by a Chinese, for example... (I think - it was already so), and then it will be all the same - whether the branch opened in English in the English part, or here in Russian ...

As Alain Verleyen, moderator of the English-speaking part of the forum, said/wrote here in pure Russian (without knowledge of the language): "Sorry to bother you ... But all innovations are welcome, as long as you leave the choice to the user: to use them or not. It seems to have become a rule for the software editor (of this site) to impose his point of view. When users have been used to using familiar working functionality for years, ..."

So, don't be surprised when some question in some thread is answered by a person who does not know Russian at all (for example, a Chinese, or an American, or someone else), and will answer in normal Russian with two paragraphs of text, and will even argue with you about the topic of discussion.

In short, we are heading towards a future where knowledge of foreign languages is irrelevant and plays no role in the process of communication between individuals in different linguistic parts of the forum.

Sergey Golubev:

The Yussers open similar branches.

For example, the English user goes to the Russian part of the forum, reads it with the built-in translator and opens a similar thread in his English part.
And vice versa.

It is already normal when someone in the English part of the forum will ask something in English and they will be given a link to a branch of the Russian part of the forum.
And vice versa.

I think, that after a while, the "assimilation of language parts of the forum" will happen, and there will be similar branches everywhere, started by different users.
Further development will lead to the situation, that a branch started by someone here will be answered in Russian (through an interpreter) by a Chinese, for example... (I think - it was already so), and then it will be all the same - whether the branch opened in English in the English part, or here in Russian ...

As Alain Verleyen, moderator of the English-speaking part of the forum, said/wrote here in pure Russian (without knowledge of the language): "Sorry to bother you ... But all innovations are welcome, as long as you leave the choice to the user: to use them or not. It seems to have become a rule for the software editor (of this site) to impose his point of view. When users have been used to using familiar working functionality for years, ..."

So, don't be surprised when some question in some thread is answered by a person who does not know Russian at all (for example, a Chinese, or an American, or someone else), and will answer in normal Russian with two paragraphs of text, and will even argue with you about the topic of discussion.

In short, we are heading towards a future where knowledge of foreign languages is irrelevant and plays no role in the process of communication between individuals in different linguistic parts of the forum.

Somehow it comes to mind:

How different languages came into being

After the flood the sons of Noah and their wives had many children. When they grew up, they too had children. Soon there were many people on Earth again.

At that time people spoke the same language. One day they got together and decided to start building: "Let us build ourselves a city and a tower as high as the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, before we are scattered over the face of the whole earth". So they wanted to glorify themselves and not God.

So the people began to prepare the necessary materials for building. Some mixed clay with straw and made bricks. Others prepared resin to bind the bricks together. And then the construction began.

The people worked hard. They passed bricks and tar down the chain from one worker to another to the top, to the masons. The tower grew higher and higher. The people were proud of themselves and felt very clever.

God saw all this and He did not like the work and thoughts of the people. To stop the tower and the city being built, God decided to mix the tongues of the people. "Let us go down and mix their tongues there, so that one will not understand the speech of the other," said the Lord. So He did.

Different families began to speak different languages and people did not understand each other. This prevented them from working together and construction stopped. The unfinished city was called Babylon, which is Hebrew for "mixing". From it people went to live in different places and then nations with their own languages were formed.

You can read this story in the Bible, in the book of Genesis, chapter 11, verses 1 to 9.

Sergey Golubev:

Good night.

Wow! There was a book in my childhood with a cover like this..... I wish I could remember the name...the stories were.


French photographer and poet René Maltête


Good night


Photographer Joel Rhodin:

Joel Rhodin


From wikipedia -

"Неизвестная" — картина русского художника Ивана Крамского (1837—1887), написанная в 1883 году и являющаяся частью собрания Государственной Третьяковской галереи.


When the end of the story spoils the whole movie

From the newsfeed in the profile:

"Mathematical multicurrency trading system based on the principle of neural network and using in its work several thousand of the most stable trading algorithms. Before being included into the A2M1 algorithm database, each block of conditions was tested for stability by detecting certain market dependencies on this block. The network created in such a way allows the Expert Advisor to independently choose the best variant of responding to the market situation out of thousands of possible variants of the algorithms included in its base. In case of an unsuccessful input, the Expert Advisor uses a unique multi-level system of averaging with increasing coefficient."


And it's not just there photoshopped (picture in my post above here). It's the work of Bill Maye (born 25 October 1955), an American illustrator who has been awarded many prizes, including silver and gold medals from the Professional Society of Illustrators (founded in 1901 and headquartered in New York).

So now, looking at some picture on the Internet, you think it's just a gag? But no - a masterpiece of the highest standard, I'm sorry.