Registration for the Real Accounts (Cents) Championship July 2017 . - page 117


New leaders, new favourites!

Kirill Belousov:

Who are the judges? :)

I will not parse the thread of reasoning, as it is obvious that conclusions are drawn due to a misunderstanding.

Actually Maximum drawdown of balance just takes into account consecutive losses (and gains) and takes the worst such sequence (the maximum absolute difference between the maximum reached and the nearest next minimum of the balance curve on the entire history).

The second variant of FS calculation is when the Relative drawdown of balance (it is when the ratio [of the difference between the balance maximum and the next minimum] / [to the whole balance at the moment of reaching the minimum] takes the maximum value over the whole trading history) is taken for the calculation of FS.

There can thus be 2 options for calculating FS. Arguments can be found for both variants.

Signal Service selects the Maximum drawdown of the balance for the FS calculation.

Let me remind you that I have previously made a convincing argument about the need to normalise this FS in advance if we don't want to change the initial formulas (rules for nomination). The specific upper bound for RecoveryFactor[Normalized] is debatable.

And also on the first quote:

I am, you might say, new here and have not yet understood what exactly you "know" about, Petros, apart from trolling and hitting on your interlocutors (maybe you can give me a link?).

If you know the answers to some questions, why not just share the knowledge? - For example, I try to follow this advice:"The truth should be served the way a coat is served, not thrown in the face like a wet towel."

To answer a question with a phrase like "I'm not in the habit of squandering on forums" is, may I ask, not both jargon and boorishness in your performance? It's not as if there was a reason.

I personally find such rhetoric unacceptable on a business forum. If you rate yourself so highly, then behave appropriately - provide arguments, references, decipher the concepts you use (for example, "total drawdown" - what does it mean? Did you come up with it yourself? - decipher it). Otherwise, sometimes after reading your invective - such as at the beginning of the post - I feel like taking a shower. Although some of the remarks in the course of the discussion, quite sensible.

Because you intervened with your "considerations" also created unnecessary pages. Maybe I misunderstood something somewhere and also added pages until I figure it out. So, should I shoot myself or shame on everyone?

In this case, that is how I see the situation.

If someone has a different opinion and thinks my comments are unfair - the microphone is free.

The truth should be served the way a coat is served, not thrown in the face like a wet towel."


Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Since it is said that 95% lose in forex, it is natural that many don't have the brains to understand it all.

And many have been babbling on for over 100 pages, with nothing but grannies and street jargon.

AGA, AGA :-)



Shit, I've got money now, but I've got to buy new shoes... $10 is 600 rubles? Hmm... I wondered...


I envy you))

somehow so far...

Still have to disclose personal details to enter the competition, right? There I applied to the administration about verification without publishing data. Do any of you know if there are any changes there on this issue? The left-hand side is not good enough for me(((


Shit, I've got money now, but I've got to buy new shoes... $10 is 600 rubles? Hmm... I wondered...


I envy you))

somehow so far...

Still have to disclose personal details to enter the competition, right? There I applied to the administration about verification without publishing data. Do any of you know if there are any changes there on this issue? The left-hand side is not good enough for me(((

What's lefty about it,

Shit, I've got money now, but I've got to buy new shoes... $10 is 600 rubles? Hmm... I wondered...


I envy you))

somehow so far...

Still have to disclose personal details to enter the competition, right? There I applied to the administration about verification without publishing data. Do any of you know if there are any changes there on this issue? Paleo is decidedly not suitable for me(((

1.Nothing to think about - we need to buy shoes

2.Thanks for the suggestions.

3. All in good time.

4.Yes, you have to be a verified user to enter the contest. There, where is it? No, we do not know.


Shit, I've got money now, but I've got to buy new shoes... $10 is 600 rubles? Hmm... I wondered...


I envy you))

somehow so far...

Still have to disclose personal details to enter the competition, right? There I applied to the administration about verification without publishing data. Do any of you know if there are any changes there on this issue? Leftovers are decidedly not good for me((.

The businessman has killed the contestant in you.


Vitaly, tell me KAH-TAH ?

Kirill Belousov:

Vitaly, tell me KAH-TAH ?

I'll figure it out, there must be a bug in the code (I'll have it back by morning)

Vitaly Muzichenko:

I'll figure it out, it must be a bug in the code (I'll get it back in the morning).

There was a problem with type conversion - the fault was a space

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