Registration for the MetaQuotes-Demo Championships in May - page 47

Yuriy Zaytsev:

On equity, pick a winner at Friday's closing point.

That's fine. in the current circumstances, it's the only reliable solution.
But the second nomination should be based on balance, not equity.

In the case of controversial situations, we should have a resource (reference), which shows the last "breath" of the market (currency pair).

What resource will we choose? - not a broker

Andrey Dik:

ok. in the current environment this is the only reliable solution.
but the second nomination should be based on balance, not equity.

Equity 1400000$

balance 10$

и ???

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Equity 1400000$

balance 10$

и ???

would be a crap second nomination, and rightly so. everyone's starting balance was 10,000, not 10.
Server Muradasilov:

In the case of controversial situations, we should have a resource (reference), which shows the last "breath" of the market (currency pair).

What resource will we choose? - not a broker

An example of a controversial situation?

If the participants trade on the demo MQ, then their quotes are the benchmark, or else I don't understand what you're saying?

Andrey Dik:

an example of a contentious situation?

if the participants trade on the MQ demo, then their quotes are the benchmark, how else could they be? or am I missing the point?

Yes, the MQ demo quotes are the benchmark in this case.

The price gap, not the market price.

Andrey Dik:
will be a shitty figure for the second nomination, and rightly so. everyone's initial balance was 10,000, not 10.

there might have been a great entry - we do not close it - then 10 bad ones and the balance is 10, but there is a great order which pulls the equity of 1400000$

and a balance of $10.

This is why we should count both nominations not on BALANCE but IMMEDIATELY on equity!

This is because if it was really necessary to close the positions, the amount which would have appeared on the account would have been equal to the equity.


Consider that STOPPING QUOTING ON THURSDAY is a compulsory closing of positions ...

Convinced ?
Yuriy Zaytsev:


So we think that STOP QUOTING on Friday is a forced closing of positions...

You convinced?


... that's the bottom line of the financial results...

Yuriy Zaytsev:

there might have been a great entry - we do not close it - then 10 bad ones and the balance is 10, but there is a great order which pulls the equity of 1400000$

and a balance of $10.

This is why we should count both nominations not on BALANCE but IMMEDIATELY on equity!

If we really had to close the positions forcibly, the amount which would have appeared on the account would have been equal to equity.


So, we say that STOPPING QUOTING ON THURSDAY is a compulsory closing of positions ...

You are?

I.e., systematically drained the initial securities amount, and then at some point it turned out natsattsat millions equity?

I have explained several times why it is important to calculate the profit - the balance, rather than the equity. We can see for ourselves how many participants had "nice orders" but their profit was not actually recorded and such traders repeatedly got into the top positions due to high equity but then had a logical descent as their profit fixing algorithm was not efficient enough.

I will even say more - in 99.9% of cases, one can open a position in any direction in the market and still be able to close it with profit. That is why the statement "entry and exit are equally important" is incorrect.

No, it is not.

Andrey Dik:

In fact, 99.9% of the time you can open in any direction in the market and still be able to close a position in profit, which shows the huge importance of being able to close a position on time.

I remembered the video)) I watched it again and smiled))