Who owns the Central Bank?

Who owns the Central Bank?
Such a strange question.
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Who owns the Central Bank?
Such a strange question.
If you mean the Central Bank of Russia, it is a state institution.
The Fed is constitutionally owned by the Bank of Russia. But not Russia
Alexander Antoshkin:
The Fed is constitutionally owned by the Bank of Russia. But not Russia.
No matter how hard the cucumber resists, it'll still be salty, that's what!
Alexander Antoshkin:
No matter how hard a cucumber resists, it will still be salty, that's what!
And under whose constitution is the Central Bank owned by the Fed?
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Who owns the Central Bank?
Such a strange question.
It is state property.
A census of conspiracy theorists, anti-vaccinationists, AIDS deniers, J-Mason conspiracy supporters and alternative history buffs is declared open.
Oddly enough, he's right.
I recommend reading the constitution for general knowledge.
Alexander Antoshkin:
The Fed is constitutionally owned by the Bank of Russia. But not Russia.
What does this have to do with the Bank of Russia and the US Federal Reserve?
Aliaksandr Hryshyn:
Who owns the Central Bank?
Such a strange question.