Does not create ex4 file - page 2

I compile just fine, build 509. The underscores are there - but only as leading characters. I usually don't use these characters inside of variables.

so underscore is not a sign of decompilation.

I myself actively use the underscore both as a master and as an inline - everything compiles without any problems


And I tried inside, it compiled, too. I'm telling you, the algorithm is clearly not clumsy.


And I tried inside, it compiled, too. I'm telling you, the algorithm is clearly not clumsy.

And here I have intentionally, just for the sake of interest, took the indicator decompiled from the network and compiled it - no ex4. No ex4. Then I replaced the generated counter names with i in several loops, corrected some buffer names with readable ones and ... oh miracle ... ...the decompiler stopped being a decompiler - it compiled and worked, although the rest of the code looks like a cesspool...

So, I think there's still work to be done ...

The developers are sitting in this thread right now, reading your revelations and thanking you...

Do you yourself believe that having _ means decompiling and banning?

Well, you can't make such a silly statement. Look at "your" code and think, does underscoring in that bacchanalia of auto-generated identifiers and the rest of the code have any meaning?

You're talking about the 509 build, yes I updated it, it's already working fine. Apparently people don't like your "innovations".

MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal build 509

  1. Terminal: Fixed client terminal launching after LiveUpdate update with UAC enabled.
  2. Terminal: Updated the translation of the user interface into Portuguese.
  3. MQL4: Fixed a compilation error that in some cases caused errors in the execution of MQL4 programs.
  4. Creplog fixes.

The update is available through the LiveUpdate system.

it was updated on 24.06 . I think it concerns point 3(

  1. MQL4: Fixed a compilation error that in some cases caused errors in executing MQL4 programs).

I told you about the 500 build, there is a problem with it. Now it works only after they switched to the 509 version.

You created the problem and then you successfully solved it, good for you)))

The developers are sitting in this thread right now, reading your revelations and thanking you...
Well, I think that's something you could, even should, take note of

I was happy about it too soon, now it just gives me a compile error:

Great, now in lieu of writing code, you have to figure out where and what kind of errors the compiler generates,

I guess it will be easier to install previous working builds, because I will not go far with such updates.


I rejoiced too soon, now it just gives a compile error:

Great, now in lieu of writing code, you have to figure out where and what kind of errors the compiler generates,

I guess it will be easier to install previous working builds, because I will not go far with such updates.

If it's your code, I'm sorry, why have you messed up so much that the compiler considers it to be decompiled? Let me repeat - I managed to compile a known decompiled ex4, slightly tidying up the names of some variables and buffers of this indicator and leaving the rest of the mess as it is.
It's not his code...

I haven't tried to use someone else's decompiling for a long time - I have enough of my own code, and what I don't have, I write myself or steal from the code base here, but my opinion is this:

1. Anyway, this restriction will be poorly functional, because it is rather difficult to distinguish human code from automata code. In this case (as I understand it) the check of names of variables for similarity with decompiled ones is used, and it can limit only absolutely beginner and not persistent programmer. As a person who works with code for many years I will say this - this kind of check can be done in at least five ways - one of them is already involved - control of variable syntax, I will not say the rest - because there is no point ;) But this will only lead to the fact that either this "protection" will be relatively easy to get around, or it will start yapping about legitimate code, and this is already fraught with problems.

2. Why the hell did the developers decide what code you can and can't use? It is not a "social" answer that I am interested in, but with reference to articles of laws or other legal acts. Do the developers have a right to carry out such an expert opinion, and such a clumsy one at that? I believe the use of someone else's code should be of concern only to the owner and, by his order, perhaps even to law enforcement agencies. and that's all.

IMHO it's not good to poke around in someone else's garden, especially if it doesn't concern the person doing it...