How do you programmatically distinguish between a PROFESSIONAL fetus and a DILIETAN fetus? - page 12

Can you tell me the name of this thread there? Thank you!

Look it up on Google. I'm not ready right now. And the links posted above faa.

The structured code and established variable mnemonics are like "caligraphic handwriting" - a sign of professionalism.

However, you cannot judge qualification by handwriting on paper, it's the other way round, handwriting of professionals is often the worst.

Programmers do not write much with a pen, only scribbles.

By "some of your documents" I meant "general civil documents", which are filled in by "officials"...

See google. I'm not ready right now. And the links posted above faa.
Thanks, now it's come to my attention that there's a faa (Faa)! :)
I want there to be a system for objectively assessing coding.

"Bye-bye bye-bye pooped on poor Dumas,

It's been a long time since we've seen shit like that..."

That was Valentin Gaft's essay on the film in question:)

I mean, artists sometimes draw caricatures. And programmers?


"Po-po-po-po on poor Dumas,

It's been a long time since we've seen shit like that..."

That was Valentin Gaft's essay on the film in question:)

I mean, artists sometimes draw caricatures. And programmers?

And the programmers, the margins! And it would be good if not sometimes, but more often and more! Like composers marches!

hehe... I wonder if Malevich's "Black Square" is the fruit of a PROFESSIONAL or the fruit of a DILIETAN?

$))) and don't hurry up with your answer, because

January 2001 Experts estimate the market value of the "Black Square" at $20 million. Malevich's paintings rarely appear on the Western art market and are therefore highly prized. One of his compositions was recently sold in London for 17.05 million dollars. And one of the smaller Black Squares, according to Incombank's press service, is valued at $15 million. The bank's "Black Square" was bought for just $20 million, and it should be the starting price of the upcoming auction. May 2002 Malevich's "Black Square" - its insured value of about $1 million. Vladimir Potanin once bought the painting "Black Square" for a million dollars (30,000,000 rubles). The painting is now in the Hermitage.

;))))) funny? Or not funny?

Where and for what these millions? For what artistic pearls?

The answer can only be found by going beyond the "artistic criteria".

Here it is appropriate to recall Gödel's theorem of incompleteness.

"The logical completeness (or incompleteness) of any system of axioms cannot be proved within that system. To prove or disprove it, additional axioms are required (to strengthen the system)".

@cleg A programmer is a professional converter of customer hallucinations into a rigid formal system.
( bash )

;))))) funny? or not funny?

Really wonder what the point is?

Showing off your art gallery to your friends at a party to make fun of a clown together?

Maybe, of course, I don't know anything about painting, so I apologize if I've hurt someone's artistic feelings.

By the way, there are other masterpieces by the same artist: the black circle, the red square and the red cavalry:

Probably a masterpiece indeed, because looking at this work of art causes uncontrollable wild laughter.



Really wonder what the point is?

Showing off your art gallery to your friends at a party to make fun of a clown together?

Maybe, of course, I don't know anything about painting, so I apologize if I've hurt someone's artistic feelings.

By the way, there are other masterpieces by the same artist: the black circle, the red square and the red cavalry:

Probably a masterpiece indeed, because looking at this work of art causes uncontrollable wild laughter.


What's the point...? What is the purpose...? Apparently, a purposeful shift in reference points. And this is way beyond "artistic criteria". And "art" of this kind is only a tool.

Really wonder what the point is?

Showing off your art gallery to your friends at a party to make fun of a clown together?

Maybe, of course, I don't know anything about painting, so I apologize if I've hurt someone's artistic feelings.

By the way, there are other masterpieces by the same artist: the black circle, the red square and the red cavalry:

Probably a masterpiece indeed, because looking at this work of art causes uncontrollable wild laughter.


Somebody's bound to say, "The king is naked!"

But as long as the snobs are paying millions for these little things in increasing numbers, it's not in anyone's interest to destroy the pyramid.