How do you programmatically distinguish between a PROFESSIONAL fetus and a DILIETAN fetus? - page 3



1....There's no rush, think about it...

2. only clear and comprehensible formalisation!

1. What's there to think about?

Maybe on Five, or on this forum (I do not remember exactly now), in some article or thread there was information about correct code formatting, in the form of, for example, "Tabulation" before the opening bracket after if, if enclosed how many expressions. And there was even something like a translator of code written in a sloppy but compilable way into a standard and popular format...

All in all, we should look in this direction...

P.S. Again at once there is a question that there are no guarantees that this program-translator was not applied to earlier written amateur code...

On the fifth forum you should also look for information on the subject.

Again there are pro-programmers whose code writing specifics differ from standard and generally accepted... so here already... too many variants of conditions have to be crammed into this program of yours - a pro/non-pro code scanner...

P.P.S. The words of the Earth witch from the movie "The Chronicles of Riddick" come to mind:

"Evil empire at your feet, loners out of the law! Not even I am capable of calculating the possible options here"...


2. There's already a translator somewhere on the forums for all sorts of compilable crap into standard and generally accepted (previously formalised set of rules) code.

Task: To fix it a bit and make it a bool-type function with a tolerance of, for instance, 80%.

That is, if launching this scanner on code under test results in 85% of code fitting the standard writing framework, the code is considered professional.

If less than 80% then it is considered to be a shoddy code.

+ check for min characters in the code being tested so that the code cannot be taken for a pro by one line of 30 characters.

Somehow that's a start.

And in general, to make it harder to disassemble the code of real exp, they translated it into one line after the normal form of writing + added all sorts of stuff-formulas in the name and countable expressions...


Here's an example of how professional programmers program (perhaps not all?).
Amateurs write in a simpler way.


They can, no doubt about it. Amateurs have made many wondrous discoveries and inventions in various branches of the economy.


Let's take, for instance, a simple criterion - the size of a file. Can we say that an Expert Advisor that is 500 bytes in size can be profitable? Hardly.

Yes, it can. Only not 500 bytes, but say, 5k.

Couldn't resist.

Delighted with the branch, just to the point of shrieking.


The post is out of place. Deleted


It might. Just not 500 bytes, but say 5k

Didn't the question of profitability come up?

If so, some kind of minimum can be laid down. But the question is how this minimum would not spill the baby with the water ... :-)


Didn't the question of profitability come up?

Well, yes. The main thing = stability ().

Didn't the question of profitability come up?

If so, some kind of minimum can be put in place. But the question is that this minimum may not spill the baby out with the water... :-)

8-10 lines of code may well bring profit.

Here's an example of how professional programmers program (maybe not all?).
Amateurs write as simply as possible.

"The value of an expression that includes an assignment operation is the value of the left operand after the assignment".

Not in MQL4. It's a Cish rule of thumb.

To TC - many non-professionals use open source code of professional programmers libraries (such libraries even here - a car and a cart), if desired, from functions written by professionals, you can actually build EAs brick by brick. Therefore, the subject is not suitable, imho.

Although ... If a pro takes the code of another pro, he usually fixes it for himself, because he often doesn't want to re-invent the wheel when he can fix it for his own ass. This may be a clue.

Make a neural network, let it look up the rules.
Make a neural network, let it look up the rules.

In that case, there is a danger that it will point out to the author who he is))
Make a neural network, let it look up the rules.

But who is going to teach it. And how to formalize the rules. It would be worth a Nobel Prize.