How do you programmatically distinguish between a PROFESSIONAL fetus and a DILIETAN fetus? - page 13




What's the point...? What is the purpose...? Apparently a purposeful shift in reference points. And this is far beyond the scope of "artistic criteria". And "art" of this kind is only a tool.

It has nothing to do with landmarks.

There is a god - consumption. The more a person consumes, the bigger and more respected he is. For example, Abramovich has consumed a yacht, the football club ...... And to consume a thing which, on the basis of a paid rating, is considered a work of art - this is a sign of intelligence, of a fine nature. As a consumer, Abramovich is much higher than you, and the fact that you have a brain for 100 Abramovich is not important. Consumers are in power, and people with brains, talent, diligence... can be hired. In the fraternity it's called "specially trained people", plebs, an inferior caste.


It has nothing to do with reference points.

There is a god - consumption.

that's the benchmark for you...

I don't understand what you are trying to do, but with every passing hour I understand that the author has not solved the problem.

Not completely solved, that's why I asked the question on the forum, hoping to get some answers.

Butwith each passing hour I realise that the topic-starter has not solved the problem:

Excuse me, DimitriN! Why do you need it? For what kind of statistics?

The customer, before ordering, looks at which of the programmers has more orders, fewer criticisms, more appreciations, and then on how attentive to his wishes, how easy it will be to make adjustments without deep knowledge, and, finally, on the usefulness of the ordered code in terms of money and without conflict with the CA.

Let me try to explain. Take MS Word, which has a function called spell-check. Why do we need it? Does spelling matter? It turns out that it does, and much more than many people think: errors in spelling initiate errors in other areas, which in turn produce even more errors.

Once again I ask you to distinguish between "trading" and "programming", you shouldn't put everything in one pile.


Not completely solved, that's why I asked the question on the forum, hoping to get some answers.

Let me try to explain. Take the program MS Word, it has a function - spell check. Why do you need it? Does spelling matter? It turns out that it does, and much more than many people think: errors in spelling initiate errors in other areas, which in turn produce even more errors.

Once again, I ask you to distinguish between "trading" and "programming", you should not pour everything into one pile.

Yes, you shouldn't! Do not confuse syntax with spelling! Errors in spelling indicate illiteracy which the compiler will not allow. And syntax in a code reflects the style and manner of a programmer. And you want to comb everyone to one standard, any variation will be rejected by your program, in which it will be impossible to squeeze in a variety of solutions, especially solutions that will still be found in the future. I could go on, but is it even worth the effort! A literate person will not need your programme, and an illiterate one will not help with anything. Except maybe for you! Like mine, for me!

It makes sense to make a program that would not be an examiner for already working programs, but an assistant in writing and correcting "spelling" in the first attempts to write code, a kind of tutor-guide at the first stages of learning basic rules! Anyway, I will be glad if any of your idea will be useful! Good luck!

There are programming styles. I like the literary style.
There are programming styles. I like the literary style.
With commentary in verse?

//| Песнь об аллигаторе                                              |
int start()
   int limit;                                                            
   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();                                  
   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);                                        
   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;                                    
   for(int i=0; i<limit; i++)
      ExtBlueBuffer[i]=iMA(NULL,0,JawsPeriod,0,MODE_SMMA,PRICE_MEDIAN,i); //А почему у тебя такой рот? 
      ExtRedBuffer[i]=iMA(NULL,0,TeethPeriod,0,MODE_SMMA,PRICE_MEDIAN,i); //А почему у тебя такие зубы?
      ExtLimeBuffer[i]=iMA(NULL,0,LipsPeriod,0,MODE_SMMA,PRICE_MEDIAN,i); //А почему у тебя такие губы?
And why divide the work of a pro and a beginner... Beginners also have good support programmes that work. You cannot understand if you need it or not without personal involvement and study of each program. The main idea of the program is that it has a meaning and that idea did not just come out of nowhere.
And why divide the work of a pro and a beginner... beginners also have good auxiliary programmes which work... You cannot understand if you need it or not without personal involvement and study of each program. The main purpose of the program is to give an idea, and the idea was not born at random, out of nowhere.

I agree with you, but will the author of this thread agree with you?

grell, I liked your song, even more than the alligator itself! As you can see, style, manner of writing, design of the code and with humour are not insignificant too! Thank you!

And a soulless examiner can pick on something and spoil the whole mood...

With commentary in verse?

If you want, your code can be sped up a bit. If you optimise it, it will make a big difference.

It's just a weekend assignment.