How do you programmatically distinguish between a PROFESSIONAL fetus and a DILIETAN fetus? - page 9


I would like to thank ALL those who have expressed their opinions in the thread. I won't answer each participant, it would be two...three pages.

As time permits, we'll make a program that will analyze code and give it a score based on a set of criteria. The program must be flexible and allow you to edit criteria and their importance.
When the program is done I will lay it out for novice programmers to use. If you have any new ideas, post them in this thread, we will definitely take them into account.

The programme should be flexible with the possibility to edit the criteria and their importance.

can you name at least a couple of criteria that you have chosen to use to distinguish a pro code in automatic mode?


can you think of at least a couple of criteria you have chosen to use to distinguish a pro code in automatic mode?

I don't think it will be just a couple. There will be several dozens of criteria. Each of them will be of different importance and many of them will have their minimal and maximal values.

And if I name a couple, I will be heavily criticised, which I don't want to do.

One of the questions is whether
should be checked before such functions as ObjectCreate(), Alert(), Print(), Comment()?
I mean that maybe this check is already implemented in them and they are automatically
excluded during optimizations and we'll save money on duplicated checks?

ObjectCreate can be safely excluded. This function cannot be disabled by the tester.
ObjectCreate can safely be excluded. This function cannot be disabled by the tester.
And Comment() is not disabled during the test, but I need it to monitor how the EA works. And in the case of optimization, it will probably be disabled, but just in case I prescribe if(!IsOptimization()) Comment(" etc.

And if I name a couple, I will be heavily criticised, which I don't want.

Name a couple.

Name one in person.

I'm not going to criticize, I'm just interested in helping.


I would like to thank ALL those who have expressed their opinions in the thread. I will not reply to each participant, it would be two...three pages.

As time permits, we'll make a program that will analyze the code and give it a score based on a set of criteria. The program should be flexible with possibility to edit criteria and their importance.
When the program is done I will lay it out for novice programmers to use. If you have any new ideas, post them in this thread, we will definitely take them into account.

I don't understand the logic of the author...

A person needs a TS that is able to make a profit. This TS is built according to certain laws. It would seem - learn these laws, build TS and live happily. But no - it's not clear why... They put in a simple logical chain completely unnecessary "link" (professional level of programmer) and begin to "make a big deal out of it" with such a serious face, as if it is - the key to achieve the goal...

DmitriyN, Stradivarius was not a COMPOSITOR. And if you want a working "mechanism", you have to STUDY TO DESIGN IT (and not rush in search of a master manufacturer. He is a craftsman - only in the making)...


Well, then you can break down each point afterwards, even publicly, starting with the simplest one, but bearing in mind that each point on its own is of little importance. If I have time, I'll post it point by point later, step by step.

I'm not sureof the logic behind it:
I don't understand the top starter's logic...
Logic is simple, and not only you do not understand it. I now separate "trading" and "programming", so as not to put everything into one pile. This thread is about estimating the code and not about the sense it makes.
And the estimate should be rather complex. For example, I can tell you how they make Russian marks at school - a complex marks: spelling mark, punctuation mark, lexis mark, neatness of handwriting mark ... and at the end a general grade, which is an average, taking into account the importance of each point. But that's how you can get an A for Mein Kampf.

Once again, I'm not looking for a trading wizard, I want to have a system to evaluate coding objectively.

The logic is simple, and you're not the only one who hasn't understood it. I am now separating "trading" and "programming" so as not to lump everything together. This thread is about evaluating the code and not about the meaning it carries.

And the estimate should be comprehensive. For instance, in school I can say that Russian language is graded in a complex way: spelling grade, punctuation grade, vocabulary grade, neatness of writing grade ... and at the end a general grade, which is an average, taking into account the importance of each point. But that's how you can get an A for Mein Kampf.

Once again, I'm not looking for a master in the field of trading, I want there to be a system for objectively assessing coding.

I, in my naivety, think people are trying to learn how to make money...

Sorry... ;-)


Well, then you can break down each point afterwards, even publicly, starting with the simplest one, but bearing in mind that each point on its own is of little importance. If I have time, I'll post it point by point later, gradually.

The logic is simple, and you're not the only one who hasn't understood it. I am now separating "trading" and "programming", so as not to put everything in one pile. This topic is about estimating the code and not about the sense it makes.
And the estimate should be rather complex. For example, I can tell you how they make Russian marks at school - a complex marks: spelling mark, punctuation mark, lexis mark, neatness of handwriting mark ... and at the end a general grade, which is an average, taking into account the importance of each point. But that's how you can get an A for Mein Kampf.

Once again, I'm not looking for a trading wizard, I want to have a system to evaluate coding objectively.

Excuse me, DmitryN! And why do you need it? For what kind of statistics?

The client, before ordering, looks at which of the programmers has more orders, fewer criticisms, more appreciation, and then on how attentive to his wishes, on how easy it will be to make adjustments without deep knowledge, and finally on the usefulness of the ordered code in terms of money and without conflict with the CA.