FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 257

Reuters reporters have reconstructed a picture of events since Mario Draghi's promise to "do whatever it takes to save the euro," which surprised not only the markets but also the ECB chief's colleagues, before Draghi announced on September 6 that the central bank was ready for "unlimited" bond purchases by troubled eurozone countries. All this time - from July to September - Draghi was playing a dangerous game: he had to engage in convincing the other members of the ECB's Governing Council, which he managed to do with one exception: the German central bank governor Jens Weidmann never agreed to such a move. The Bundesbank tried very hard to discredit Draghi and his plan. Nevertheless, the Italian banker received support from Germany, but from an unexpected side - from Chancellor Angela Merkel, who expressed her full consent to his position. The fact is that Merkel could not allow the eurozone to collapse under her leadership and Draghi was offering a bailout. The drama culminated with the emergence of rumours of Weidmann's desire to resign. In the end, the Bundesbank's uncompromising stance was nevertheless reflected in the tough terms of the sovereign debt buy-back programme. At the same time, although Draghi has won, it is still unclear exactly how the bond buyback will take place in practice .

they have plenty of intrigue too... as for the bond buyback, they didn't want to print the lV... but to take it from other sectors...(which is what made it take off)... or they will re-launch it)))...

Solar, Nexter might be on to it - ask...


They also have a lot of intrigue... as for the buyback, they didn't seem to want to print the lv... but to take from other sectors...(which is how it took off)... or they will re-instate everything again ))))...
Went up with nothing but empty words and promises... but it rolled back from the 50% Fibo line of the overall rise, that was the third retest... so can dance over it again and go down with full confidence...

cool ))))

Shortoned for a short while...

Let's consider it almost come true.

drawing on


It flew up on nothing, empty words and promises... but it bounced back from the 50% Fibo line of the general rise, that was the third retest... so maybe dance over it some more and go down already with full confidence...

yeah, 2/3 of the way there on expectations... 1/3 on promises )))

I don't know...on the daily chart the pattern looks like sluggish growth or sideways (I don't know where it's coming from)...but if you want to short the eu, I'll be the first to do it )))


Let's just say it almost came true.

Let's keep drawing.


1. fairy tale good

2. You're a little fucked up. )))


yes. the risks of a fall are there. and the technical ones have been added.


ta ta...

>Eurozone single budget negotiations are a step towards a limited "fiscal union" after the current economic crisis exposed the fatal flaws associated with the creation of a single European currency. The deep recession that gripped countries such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland after the 2008 financial crisis exposed existing flaws. Stronger economies, such as Germany, have recovered much faster.

It's like if me, kolyan, vovan and mikhan decided to make a common budget and saw it in half for everyone. But if Vovan puts in a chip, I put in five, Kolyan three, and Mihan nothing... Mishka will be happy, Vovan will get sick of it quickly, and his wife will be at home, too. The union won't last long.
It's like when me, kolyan, vovan and mikhan decided to make a joint budget and cut it in half for everyone. But if Vovan puts in a dime, I put in a dime, Kolyan a third, and Mihan nothing... Mishka will be happy, Vovan will get sick of it quickly, and his wife will be at home, too. The union won't last long.

except Misha had been given lv before... he had made a fool of himself... but the lv was also for a good cause... the lv was followed by a service)))

Bound together by one purpose...chained together by one chain...


only Misha had been given lv before... he had a lot of fun...but the giver did not make a fool of himself ... after the lv he provided services for the coup de grâce )))

Bound together by one purpose...chained together by one chain...

he did it in the past, in the present and in the future, it is up to him and his wife to nag him at home :)