FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 177 the father has made his mark
Great poem, Mobilich, did you write it yourself? Everyone should learn it by heart! Jealousy can only be a complex man who compares himself to others, and that is a great sin. But besides that, envy comes from temptation, and temptation is also sin. As the Bible says, "Woe to the world because of temptations, for temptations must come ; but woe to the manthrough whom temptationcomes .(Mt.18:7).
As for

crap, it is usually done by people who are sexually unsatisfied and mentally unstable. A self-confident person is always more happy to laugh at themselves than to shit on others.
That last line sounds a bit philosophical, and I have a negative attitude towards philosophy.

If you meet a man who tells you he knows how to live, it's most likely either a crook from the State Duma or just a braggart who is most likely very unhappy)
The last line should be changed!

Shit on everyone
Who's temptation prevents you from living...

You're all so nice at the weekend ))))
lotos7: the father has made his mark
It is necessary according to an already established tradition, the Temple - the pool, the pool - the Temple, again to return the pool with clean water, because there is no clean water in KSS for a long time. This way people will bathe and get pleasure, instead of taking their money to ROC. Any temples can be built on public donations, or on donations from sponsors, but not on taxes, then they will be clean.
You guys are all so nice on the weekends.)

yep... bible chanting, everybody opens the door to each other with -- only after you )))) and I've had a turkey kebab and a half-day soak in the river )))))

Evening! Outlined the range for the coming week, expecting a drop to the lower boundary or even lower. All the CGs are on the chart:

I will say about my vision "or even lower", the target 1.2590 was formed on M1, and has been hovering for the 4th week. In general, the M1 targets are the shortest, and this is the 4th week, so..., in general the upcoming week for the bulls will be something like "fishing for falling daggers", because 1.17, 1.05 are waiting below for a long time. Personally I will follow 1.3284 that appeared on M5 on Friday, only if it is confirmed on M15 as well.
You're all so nice on weekends ))))
Artikul, we all love you, don't disappear for long, even if the forecasts are wrong ))
Artikul, we all love you, don't disappear for long, even if the forecasts are wrong ))

He's never wrong, it's his turkey that's overheated or overcooled ))))


I will say about my vision "or even lower", the target 1.2590 was formed on M1, and it is already hanging for the 4th week. In general, the M1 targets are the shortest, and this is the 4th week, so..., in general the upcoming week will be something like "dagger catching" for bulls, because 1.17, 1.05 are waiting below. Personally I will follow 1.3284 that appeared on M5 on Friday, only if it is confirmed on M15 as well.
On the tick - growth till the end of the year