FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 176


I kind of wrote about it above.

We are kind of talking about looking at the fundamentals sometimes, so I give you an example of how this week I looked at the fundamentals. Because the German court would have shaved the dough and Berdanka would have been at 1.25 at best, not 1.31.

I should note that this is not a question of trading on a small depo purely on the basis of the foundation. I mean that despite my TS and the analysis based on it, we should look back at the fundamentals. Apparently, this week those who did not do that went down the drain.

They look back to what they are used to anchor their reasoning to. And that, like cockroaches - everyone has their own. But how to connect the queue and 5-minute trends is impossible for me to comprehend.

And if someone has gone down, the reason is the long wait for the pullback. Any southward movement seems to be the beginning of a correction.


The article was a little bit right)))

The euro target is not 3219, not 3281 but 3250, I won't chew any more, no scoop, bye everyone.


I am reminded of an anecdote: A man is sitting on a fishing trip, it's drizzling rain... no bite, frozen to the skin. He's shivering from the cold, muttering to himself: "That's OK... Now the rain will pass, the sun will come out, it'll get warmer, the fish will start biting..."

A voice from the neighbouring hills said: "Well, man, nobody forced you to talk. You'll have to answer for what you said."


Don't quarrel among yourselves, and time will tell who will answer for whom.)
For gossip, opening their mouths,
And in the jealousy of the fires that burn,
Who don't know how to live!
Who, alas, doesn't know how to live!

They look back at what they are used to attaching their reasoning to. And these are like cockroaches - everyone has their own. But how to connect the Kue and 5-minute trends, it is incomprehensible to me.

And if someone has gone down, the reason is the long wait for the pullback. Any southern movement seems to be the beginning of correction.

There are also such TSs :)

And waiting for the pullback when the price is high, it is incomprehensible to me.


The target for the Euro during Friday is 1.33 without 10 pips, most likely they will take 1.33 as well, so, Tovagi, the great October socialist revolution, about which the Bolsheviks claimed so much, has come to an end, yep tovagi!, the 1.33 announced in July for August has been postponed to the third week of September.


There are such TCs :)

And waiting for the kickback when the kue was issued, that is incomprehensible to me.

The QE3 programme is designed to improve the states economy, if I understand your thinking correctly, to do that you need to lower the dollar???
For gossip, opening their mouths,
And in the jealousy of the fires that burn,
Who don't know how to live!
Who, alas, does not know how to live!
The QE3 programme is designed to improve the states economy, if I understand your thinking correctly, to do that you need to lower the dollar???
No, wrong :) I just see the dollar falling in the QE and follow the appropriate course. And what the kuye is designed to do is up to comrade Berdanka :)
No, wrong :) I just see that the dollar falls in the kuya and follow the appropriate exchange rate. And what is the kuya meant for is up to comrade Berdanka :)
It has been falling for a month and a half without the kuya, and Strange is sick and tired of talking about it... . Where's the know-how? Or is Berdanka dumber than us traders???