FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 165


in omnibus voluntas Dei
where's that going? )))
I arrived, made sure I entered early (there was a level, but no confirmation). At least audusd closed with a good profit.
I will look for the AUD CHIF, if you notice it, please whistle :)
I'll keep an eye out for the AUD CHIF if you spot it, let me know :)
Can't whistle, gotta get back to business. See you all... Friday
Can't whistle, gotta get on with business. Goodbye, everyone... Friday
Good luck!
Lodné zosolil, Well Well dlho nebolo elk
nice work BeerGod.
Those wishing to buy in, put the limit on 2985, including the spread))))
Silent Ukrainian night, but.....))))
Silent Ukrainian night, but.....))))
... But the lard had better be re-hidden. )))
SYDNEY, Sept 14 (ANI). /Dow Jones/. The Australian dollar rose to a four-week high on Friday, mainly due to a weaker US dollar after the US Federal Reserve announced a stimulus package for the world's biggest economy.
    Minutes from the Reserve Bank of Australia's /RBA/ September meeting will be released next week and will have key implications for the Australian dollar. The minutes will be released on Tuesday. The central bank warned last month that the strength of the domestic currency, which has persisted despite a sharp decline in commodity prices since the middle of this year, was becoming a major concern for the authorities. With the Fed now launching a third round of quantitative easing, the Australian dollar is likely to continue to receive fairly strong support against the US dollar. According to economists such as Shane Oliver from AMP, the RBA will need to consider reducing p Inflation remains subdued and the bank's own forecast is that inflation will continue to be on target for the next year or two," he added. ANZ Bank chief economist Warren Hogan said that adverse economic conditions are likely to deteriorate somewhat next year, leading to sustained interest rate increases. The weakness will mainly result from recent declines in a range of commodity prices, such as iron ore and coal, which account for
I wonder what stung the euro's ass that it's been running so high without a pullback for the past week.