FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 161

translate what Benka says, I can't speak English...

Here it is, the human factor, the CU was screaming upwards all day and the skis were going south ))))
shit they have been saying north since august, by the way you can remember this year's low. Not soon we will see it in the coming years only upwards. Ok everybody goodbye. Off to rest now.

*Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke begins press conference in Washington

*Bernanke: The employment situation remains a "deep concern"

*Bernanke: Monetarypolicy is incapable of solving all problems in the economy

*Bernanke: Expect widespread job growth, economic growth

*Bernanke: When buying bonds the Fed will be mindful of inflation

*Bernanke: Open Market Committee thinks outlook remains uncertain

*Bernanke: Fed bond purchases are not government spending

*Bernanke: Fed bond purchases could reduce government deficits

*Bernanke: The Fed is "fully committed" to implementing both parts of its dual mandate

*Bernanke: We do not intend to make bond purchases until full employment is achieved

*Bernanke: The Fed will not rush to tighten policy when the time comes to act

Bernanke: Fed should see more progress on economic growth

*Bernanke: I expect economy to be in recovery phase by mid-2015

*Bernanke: Monetary policy action has helped the economy

shit since august they said north, by the way you can remember this year's minimum. Not soon we will see it in the next few years only upwards. All right everybody, goodbye. Off to rest.

we did nothing, we saw it ourselves ))))

*Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke begins press conference in Washington

*Bernanke: The employment situation remains a "deep concern"

*Bernanke: Monetary policy is incapable of solving all problems in the economy

*Bernanke: Expect widespread job growth, economic growth

*Bernanke: When buying bonds the Fed will be mindful of inflation

*Bernanke: Open Market Committee thinks outlook remains uncertain

*Bernanke: Fed bond purchases are not government spending

*Bernanke: Fed bond purchases could reduce government deficits

*Bernanke: The Fed is "fully committed" to implementing both parts of its dual mandate

*Bernanke: We do not intend to make bond purchases until full employment is achieved

*Bernanke: The Fed will not rush to tighten policy when the time comes to act

Bernanke: Fed should see more progress on economic growth

*Bernanke: I expect economy to be in recovery phase by mid-2015

*Bernanke: Monetary policy action has helped the economy

senx... went to get my 1.32 ))))

*Bernanke: The Fed is making sure the economy doesn't stagnate

*Bernanke: Improvement in the labour market is not defined by any specific figure

*Bernanke: Expect "prolonged, sustained" employment growth

*Bernanke: Doing enough to get the economy on track

*Bernanke: Modest improvement in mortgage markets noticeable

*Bernanke: "We are not promising a cure for all these ills."

*Bernanke: Fed has worked hard to remain impartial

*Bernanke: Fed benefits from difference of opinion among its leadership

*Bernanke: Majority of members support current policy

*Bernanke: Bond purchases can help "nudge" the economy in the right direction

*Bernanke again warns of the dangers of the financial cliff

*Bernanke: Fed can't offset the negative effects of the fiscal cliff

*Bernanke: Don't expect the economy to overheat anytime soon

*Bernanke: Weakening economy may lead to more bond buying

*Bernanke: The volume of bond purchases will depend on how the economy develops

*Bernanke: Hope for improvement in the housing market

*Bernanke: New home purchases have a stronger influence than refinancing

*Bernanke: A weakening economy may lead to more bond buying

*Bernanke: Unsure how much pressure the financial cliff generates

*Bernanke believes financial cliff will be averted

*Bernanke ends press conference

shit since august they said north, by the way you can remember this year's minimum. Not soon we will see it in the next few years only upwards. All right everybody, goodbye. Off to rest.

This is bullshit... we'll keep going back and forth... especially since Mabilich hasn't had his 1.18 yet... and he won't rest until he gets there ))))

senx... I'll get my 1.32 ))))

And the compote ?!!! (I mean: what about the kickback ?!!)

And the compote ?!!! (I mean: what about the kickback?!)

there's your kickback, drink your compote in good health)))) there's lots of red news tomorrow, we'll have a great time )))) go to bed... goodbye

compote, just like borscht and shish kebab, is on the lunch menu of a citizen against whom a court has imposed an administrative penalty of community service, and nobody, nobody! has the right to change the diet of a citizen who has been punished for an administrative offence.

Likewise in the market: nobody and nothing, no powerful movement has the right to deprive a trader of the opportunity to slice cabbages on a backward movement.