FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 182

17 September. /Dow Jones/. Almost half of German citizens surveyed believe their lives would be better without the European Union. The results of a poll published on Monday by German newspaper Die Welt show that 49% of German citizens believe their lives would be "somewhat" or "much better" if the EU did not exist, a survey conducted in July by TNS Emnid showed. And only 32% said their lives would be worse without the EU. "People, especially in Germany, have never judged the European Union and the single European currency so harshly before," said Aart de Geus, chairman of the Bertelsmann Foundation, commenting on the poll on Monday. Nearly two-thirds of respondents said their lives would be better if the country continued to use the German mark instead of the euro as its currency, the polling company said. The level of frustration shown in Germany is not shared by citizens in the two Life without the euro is seen in a gloomier light by 55% of those surveyed in France, compared to 21% in Germany.
No wonder. The "dead" countries, in the 90s they got rid of one tit and there's the joy of a whole cow - milk it all!
17 September. /Dow Jones/. The order book for the euro/dollar pair shows that there are more sell orders than buy orders around 1.3120, a situation that persists until the 1.29 area, where buy and sell orders virtually level off, Commerzbank said. At the time of writing the euro/dollar pair was trading at 1.3112.
Can I have one of these on my avatar?

Can I have one of these on my avatar?
You type "cash cow" into the I-pictures and put it up.

*Merkel remains opposed to granting ESM a banking licence

*Merkel: Granting ESM a banking licence would be tantamount to financing states by the European Central Bank

you type "cash cow" into the I-pictures and put it up.
Dobre. Gouda.
So, nothing before the Amerks?

Good afternoon again )))) The prospect of further upside from the 3075 level is still there ))))