FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 123

interesting situation, pound is going down so well, USDCAD is also going up, but euro seems to be glued to quid, if it is logical it should go down, but everything in this world is so illogical lately)
Oh, yeah, that's exactly how I see it. It's hard to tell where it's likely to go.

Now we know where moose come from :)


Now we know where moose come from :)

yeah. there's a lot of moose out there on the smartlab.... moose ))))
Super!!!! LOL, tears are ticking!!!
Am I the only one who has started to fall asleep from such a market ?

boredom without fairy tales... even lame ones ))) like this... and tomorrow - the day after tomorrow there's still a small peak...

There will be a confrontation between two opposing forces - the need to ease the conditions for the troubled economies to return to growth and maintain their membership in the eurozone and, on the other hand, German fears that the ECB has found a cunning way to divert their savings to the debtor countries.

Which is exactly what should happen if the bailout plan works.

The debts of non-key countries will have to be forgiven, which means the creditors will suffer losses. And the biggest creditors are precisely the Germans. It may turn out that after a certain period of bond buying Italy, Spain and Portugal will be allowed to default on their debts with the understanding that most of those losses will fall on the ECB.

>But then the ECB would either have to recapitalise, which means taking money from German taxpayers, or print money to cover the losses.

>If Germany won't agree to direct transfers of its tax revenues, then it will have to do otherwise. Rising inflation is one possible way, and it will occur if the ECB starts covering bond losses in the event of a default by printing money. But here the ECB has to tread a very cautious course. Inflation in Germany will far exceed the central bank's target level, but it must not be so high that German savers revolt. And German politicians have to agree to it.

>Is this what Merkel signed up to?

>If not, then the euro is as dead meat now as it was before Draghi's promise to do everything possible to save it .
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Margaret, is this your own assumption or is there information?
Margaret, is this your own assumption or is there information?

this is from my terminal news feed.... my opinion is that if Merkel loses the election next year (and according to information to date she will), Germany will withdraw from the eura and it (the eura) will then go under parity... The eura itself will remain, but it is nothing without Germany...


this is from my terminal news feed.... my opinion, if Merkel loses the election next year (and according to info to date she will), Germany will withdraw from the eura and it (the eura) will then go under parity... The eura itself will remain, but it is nothing without Germany...

If Germany leaves the eu, there will be no eu at all. Is it profitable for them to get out ? And who will milk the smaller countries? Telling us that they are bastards who don't let us live ....