FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 116

and the sky is at 1.4356... isn't it a little early for the sky? ...:-))) until January...?

what about the recoil? ))))
It's over )))
and the sky is at 1.4356... isn't it a bit early for the sky? ...:-))) until January...?

it's about time! tucked the cuffs into the tablets and there was something else about the grass... the green one)))))
It's over ))))

When will they turn on the gold? I can't sleep because it's already past four in the fucking morning... damn it)))

I can't sleep because of it, it's already past four in the fucking morning... damn it)))
I don't know nothing about gold, damn it!) I don't even fucking deal in gold.)

When will they turn on the gold? I can't sleep because of it, it's already past four in the fucking morning... fuck them... damn it)))
Actually (if it's not too hard to look at the daily schedule) in one hour... :-))
I don't fucking know anything about gold )))) I don't even fucking trade gold ))))

sorry, i forgot, damn it ))))) the eur has bounced back to 1.29 for now, damn it )))) but i'd better go to sleep... gotta get up soon ))))
On the 12th, it's going to be a bounce :) but we don't know which way it's going to go
On the 12th bounce :) only in what direction - unknown.

Will they be meeting again? I sold GBP 1.59910 to try it without a target with a 100 points trall, I`m trying on a bearish skin ))))

Will they be in session again? sold the pound at 1.59910 to try it out without a target with a 100 pips trawl, I am trying on the bear skin )))))
German Constitutional Court to rule on fiscal pact on 12 September
German Constitutional Court meets

The German Federal Constitutional Court will rule on urgent claims against the European fiscal pact and the European stabilisation mechanism ESM on 12 September. The court in Karlsruhe announced this on Monday, 16 July. During the oral proceedings a week ago Andreas Vokuhle made it clear that the court would need more time than usual to make a decision this time, dpa recalls.

The German law on the EU SMA was to have come into force on 1 July, but the opponents of the Stabilisation Fund and the European fiscal pact, the Left Party in the Bundestag, the Christian-social politician Peter Gauweiler and the 12,000-member "More Democracy" association, had to withdraw their support.Mehr Demokratie, back in late June, filed urgent lawsuits with the Constitutional Court to prevent German President Joachim Gauck from signing it.

The plaintiffs believe that by entering into the fiscal fact, Germany is taking unpredictable financial risks. Since the associated costs cannot even be predicted, ESM opponents believe that the Bundestag's right to control the budget is being effectively violated. German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schuble has urged the CC to issue a ruling as soon as possible. The court in Karlsruhe is expected to make a statement in advance on whether the claims by opponents of the fiscal pact stand a chance of success, AFP reported.