FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 74

have seen, nothing has changed since then, only then were not much more naive, though now, but now there is more information and work different, but again the same rake as everyone else))))

It's true, the more information and experience we have, but if the rake is the same as everyone else's, we need to identify it and try to work around it.


Please teach reflection.

The man wanted to give you a grail and you went for the bottle.)
))) She thought I was hitting on her, I just wanted to share with a newcomer, I myself have lost so many years on the search, sometimes you think someone would have shown me in the year or so 2006, eh, the amount of time you kill on the search, it takes not just days but years, they do not understand it ...

i thought you got a gift in the depo amount, but then i traded on friday or thursday i had a tiny gap on the minutes, maybe the same thing happened here - not a gap but a hit and run? maybe their servers were down for a minute
I think I got a piece of someone else's margin call.) Because I had a good profit ))))

It's true, the more information and experience we have, but if the rake is the same as everyone else's, we need to identify it and try to work around it.


haven't seen you in a while, do you ever go to Goodservice?
))) She thought I was hitting on her, I just wanted to share with a beginner, I've lost so many years on the search, sometimes you think someone would have shown me in the year 2006, eh, you kill so much time looking for it, it takes not just days but years, they do not understand it ...

i've already dispersed yard dogs in front of you with pots....
))) She thought I was hitting on her, I just wanted to share with a beginner, I've lost so many years on the search, sometimes you think someone would have shown me in the year 2006, eh, you kill so much time looking for it, it takes not just days but years, they do not understand it ...
So what )))) Only paranoiacs do not leak, and an adequate person considers each leak as payment for elite education ))))
I think I got a piece of someone else's margin coke )))) Because the profit was decent ))))

that's weird... i would have called and found out... no way they're givers, wizard's right, they can clean out the deposit too.

I've already dispersed yard dogs in front of you with pots....

))))))))))))))))))))))) you also have to bark loudly yourself
So what )))) Only paranoiacs do not leak, but an adequate person considers every leak a fee for elite training))))
Why does he think that only paranoiacs don't leak? Yeah, well, so does he))))

that's weird... I'd call and find out... don't give a shit, Wizard's right, they can clean out the depot too.
Yeah ))) Like I stole it myself? )))