FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 604


Just turn them all off mentally and in a minute your mind is free and nothing interferes with your decisions ))))

I will use it ))))

I will use it ))))

feel good )))) or lying down close your eyes and imagine that you are lying on the water surface and slowly sinking, or sinking in a featherbed, whatever gives a feeling of diving... after reaching a trance to fly up if you get a feeling of flying open your eyes, congratulations - you are in astral )))

Pound shallow 0.01 lot bought to try ))))


You turn them all off mentally and in a minute your mind is free and nothing interferes with your decision making ))))
Out, you can't turn them back on again with your brain off. No brain, no decisions.
Out, you won't be able to turn it back on mentally with your brain off. You'll still be emo. No brain, no solutions.

thoughts don't go anywhere they flow onto your shoulders, you can hear the mental clatter outside your head, try it and see ))))

don't forget the classic high and low formation, on Mondays

couldn't find anything on mondays with hai and low )))) google doesn't know )))
couldn't find anything on mondays with hai and low )))) google doesn't know ))))

come on... open up any Monday and look... it's always the same.

The European financial regulator, the ECB, is considering the possibility of limiting yields on euro zone bonds, Der Spiegel reports.

Technically, the idea would be implemented by unlimited bond purchases on the secondary market.


With less than a month to go until the ECB's September meeting and the likelihood is that the central bank will be knocking down high yields in the periphery countries, which in turn will keep the euro from weakening too much.

would crawl up to the April high, no big deal))))


thoughts don't go anywhere they flow onto your shoulders, you can hear the mental clattering outside your head, try it and see )))
Don't forget to comb them out - that get tangled up in your hair. ( bystanders hello!)