FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 609

Down a lot so far! I think a reversal is imminent, the macdi shows that convergence.
Good day, everybody! The eureka is not going down.
Closed one sell.
Weak bears today :)
Weak bears today :)
Afraid they'll let the gobies out of the pen :)
There's a net and below ready, and what you've closed is still right, the depot has added a little!
will roll back to 2320.
from 1,2300 to 2330 (30 pips either way)
Yeah, I don't dare close one sells... Yeah, I'm hesitating to close a few sells.
Wait for it... The nets are set up.
The SL went off like hell and stopped on purpose... Now we're going down.
Is it all frozen in?