FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 597

What the fuck is a Taurus (I'm a Taurus myself)? You can flip a coin like that ...

maybe... Tuesday-Wednesday... it's good to be a maiden ))))

gayatri mantra chanting should be done more often)))
Pasipky ))))) Googled myself - very similar )))) Something to work on ))))
In my last position I had over 10k personnel under my direct command. The book with extensive descriptions of all the qualities of Zodiac signs helped me to understand every one of them. The coincidences were amazing.

chant the gayatri mantra more often)))

just watch closely...and count...and every day...week...month...(whatever your heart desires) will be +...
In my last position I had over 10,000 personnel under my direct command. The book with its extensive descriptions of all the qualities of the Zodiac signs helped me to understand everyone. The coincidences were amazing.

So now you can rewrite us and understand everyone)))

it turns out that now you will rewrite us and you will understand everyone ))))

build it first )))...

So now you can rewrite us and understand everyone ))))

It's all clear enough))))

It takes a lot of time and effort to study a person in depth. Why should I "rewrite" everyone?)))


build it first )))...

))))))) in the army I had to do that too

It's pretty clear as it is.))

It takes a lot of time and effort to study personality in depth. Why should I "rewrite" everyone?)))

exaggerating ))))

will build it first )))...
We might build something... for everyone's benefit)))