FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 564


I'm hilarious... I remembered... there was a guy here... he was drawing faces... lots of indices on the chart and you couldn't even see the price... in short he must have been racking his brains for half a year ... then he returned to tank building...))
Smart! :)
Is that the leader of the hamsters with the boeing?

I don't remember his nickname, and there's no reason to...

Apparently there is psychology here... I think, as Rezvyakov said, you should not treat the market as your main job, if you are lucky they will give you money, if you are unlucky they won't...) Well, sometimes you have to make deals.... You have to have a lot of stamina to go in once or twice a month... Psychology is essential here...


I think general, at the end he said - it's easier to collect tanks than to take them from the market...

I think so... Anyway, in the end he said that it's easier to collect tanks than to take them from the market...

I remember when he discovered Rainbow - how much joyful squealing there was)))
what is it? buy limits?

Judging by the way the price is shifting upwards from there)


Apparently there is psychology here... I think, as Rezvyakov said, the market should not be treated as if it were not your main job, I mean, if you are lucky, they will give you money, if you are unlucky, they won't give you any...) Well, sometimes making deals.... You have to have a lot of stamina to come in 2-4 times a month... You obviously need psychology...


I think so... In the end he said - it's easier to collect tanks than to take them from the market...
Smart! :)

the smartest one was here and why I'm hanging around...that's Misha 77 (I'm afraid I'll lie about the nickname)...that's the one who rocked))) I fucking miss it)))

Judging by the way the price is shifting upwards from there)

It's not buying, it's bulls breakeven, the volume is high, there are a lot of positions, so the market won't leave this zone until there is a significant upside, someone should finally pay for the banquet! )))))

the smartest one was here and why I'm hanging out...that's Misha 77 (I'm afraid I'll lie about the nickname)...that's the one who rocked out))) I fucking miss him))
Mixon777))) In the tank forever)))