FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 414


I didn't get out of the bays, 2450, 2490+ for the next few days.
I'll put the nappy down. But still sat down. Don't part with the nappies.
Bad investment... it's not like violins - the older the more expensive. At least they kept the blood. Hello.

It'll be over soon, too. ))))

Hold it to 0.83 . If your teeth don't crack from wanting to close faster . You're prefet too! .

Autumn, November or so.
Keep it to 0.83. If your teeth don't crack from wanting to close faster, you too, prefet! .

hello )))) what 083? a trawl 200 and what will it take ))))

Autumn, somewhere in November.
I have to live to see November.
I have to live until November.

Is that a problem? )

Hello )))) what 083? a trawl 200 and what it will take ))))
i said where the price is going ... i don't care how it goes, i don't care if it bounces 5 pips on afive-digit chart .

is there a problem? )
Yeah, I feel like I'm getting married, so I'm wondering .... am I getting married, or am I getting married?
Yeah, I have a feeling I'm gonna get married, so I'm wondering if I'm getting married .....

(chuckles): (chuckles, not a phone conversation)))) Skype afterwards))