FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 410


We should all shout together, maybe he'll come then)))

Only Father Christmas comes like that ))))

It's not relaxation, it's drunken niggers dancing in front of the toilet ))))

here's a relaxation

♪ join the beautiful ♪ Theme ))))))

Hey there! Listened to both tracks. The song "drunken niggers at the latrine" sounds sourer than the drooling melody of "leonardic". But tastes differ. 2:1 in favour of niggers:))
oh Topic Topic... )))))))))))))))))))
I like girls, what's wrong with that?
Hi all! Listened to both songs. The song "drunken niggers at the latrine" sounds sourer than the drooling melody of " leonardic ". But tastes differ. 2:1 in favor of niggers:) )

i like some negroes too ))))

I mean, I like the songs.


I like some negroes too ))))

Not bad:)))
oh Topic Topic... )))))))))))))))))))

If he was admiring men, and even Negroes, that would definitely be weird

If he was into men, and even black men, that would definitely be weird.
Oh heystrangerr! Welcome back!!!:)

If he was admiring men, and even black men, it would be weird for sure.

you can show pussies and dogs but he's got boobs all over the place and he's picking out a bigger one ))))))

here's the tits))))

By the way, does anyone want a hondar?)