FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 602

not really soul to soul but when trading in tension))))
Uh-huh... I'll be a good boy... right now ))) I have my finger on the close order button... if it goes down ))))

Wow, they shut down the hep right away.

Off to bed. Ruined the whole night, man)))

nothing interesting in general down...... go to bed....
I'm going to sleep now, I have to get up soon)))
Up so far on n1...but it's a short move - then we go down....

Good Morning All!!! My plans for today. May have to tweak it at the European session.

Good morning!!! Actually, I don't see any movement at all in the short term from here, just a flat. If we go anywhere, we can't see it from here. I would also like to go up a bit, there are some bays, and it seems it will be. I'm going to set the net again with a moderate lot. Otherwise I'll go to play football and there's something here.

I observe a "converging gap" between AUD and JPY against the other currencies.

Looks like I'm having a day off today))