FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 105


and you'll remember something and it will come up))))

write again, I'm waiting)))


hello, oh great and mighty one, bestowing his rays of radiance on mortals )))

I'm sitting on the fence with my ears open)))) I'll leave it for now, you guys work it out )))

For all these moves and on the fence? :-)

Well done! I am amazed at your endurance not to get involved in all this ...! :-) action!

Now I'm with the moose ... :)
You always have to work it out for yourselves, you can't work it out with just your neck)))

With all this going on and on the fence? :-)

Well done! I am amazed at your stamina not to get involved in all this...! :-) action!

I'm more relaxed when it's up and down, up and down, to the chits of the hill )))
So much for the yen movement)))
You always have to work it out for yourselves, you can't work it out with just your neck)))

Yeah, of course I do... I'm also flat-footed and my knees are backwards )))) What else can I do for you, the greatest of the greats? )))) will they throw us something today? )))))
no word, no grail, so... trouble )))))

It's a case of near-fallout...


It's a case of near-fallout...

How long before they calm down?