Time machine. Your actions. - page 7

Eh, that's not what Peter had in mind when he gave his old time machine to the forum. Some don't need it, some need only to fuck Nefertiti once, some need a ride on a glacier on a snowboard. We are not worthy.
Actually, Peter wanted to fix something in ancient Egypt, and not necessarily Nefertiti's hair.

Time machine. Your actions.

Would've gone back to 1560 to see Mischka the Nestrator :)

And would have a manly chat (under half a litre), why he is always in riddles and riddles in his scripts.

Actually, Peter wanted to fix something in ancient Egypt, and not necessarily Nefertiti's hair.

we could start a thread about what Peter wanted.

You have no idea what you are asking. Time is multivariate and strongly tied to space. So the answers are accordingly.

I believe that there is no time in the sense that it is taught in universities. I have no idea what to say to your question. It is simply additional freedom of movement in spaces. In essence what difference does it make where to move to? Will it be within this planet or any other space.

The closest Roger Jelazny ever came to this subject in The Chronicles of Amber. Those who can dream have been using it for a long time.

This is the big question, whether space is tied to time or not. Is the dimension of time, a dimension identical to the dimension of space. If it is, then time is a change of fixation of consciousness on another three-dimensional slice of multidimensional space. It is not very distinct, today we perceive one three-dimensional slice of multidimensional space, tomorrow another, etc. It would be more natural, if consciousness fixes itself on perception of what three-dimensional slice, and it remains there, while the time is the dimension of another quality; all the space changes with time. For instance, to climb to an apple and sit there. The first variant is to move along the hole, the second one is to dry up the apple. Lovers of simplification equate space with time. It is unlikely that anyone knows the correct answer.


And here's Nefertiti


And here's Nefertiti

And here's Sylvester Stallone's mummy (don't look at the faint of heart):


And here's Nefertiti.

Nonsense. With earrings like that, your earlobes should be knee-high.

Still be.


And here's Sylvester Stallone's mummy (not for the faint of heart):

It reminds me of a dachshund - whichever way you look at it, it still looks like a French bulldog.

Is he hitting her?

Integer: And here's Nefertiti.

this is cheating http://www.shirekruga.net/murkinblog/2011/06/26/zagadka_nefertity/

SZZY: A time machine has made men crave extreme emotions, they want mummies, I remember not long ago everyone wanted only Zhanna Friske :)