Time machine. Your actions. - page 8


Nonsense. With earrings like that, your earlobes should be knee-high.

still ba.

The Egyptians were crafty. Earrings could be tied to the hat with strings and clothes pegs to the ears.
No, just the effects of plastic surgery. You can't get back your beauty and youthfulness. Women disfigure themselves, thinking that it will be better, but in fact it turns out to be even worse. That fool (in fact, the woman suffers from a mental disorder) also purposely disfigures herself just to look like a person who we will never know what she looks like.

Well, you don't really need it for a wobbly bazaar.

And dragging bags all the way out here...

And it's easier to get a neighbour to do it with you.

It's all about getting the right degree...


you can open a branch - What Peter wanted

And here's Nefertiti

man, that's second, and first - who's the one who took a time machine ride to ancient Egypt and took a picture of this man?

I'm not allowed to open branches

I'm not allowed to open branches.
Just start a branch, you only live once.
A famous theoretical physicist threw a party for guests from the future.
- 04.07.2012
Renowned British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking has decided to experimentally test whether time travel is possible. To do so, he threw a party for "time travellers", sending out invitations after the event.

The party was supposed to take place on 28 June 2009, but the guests from the future failed the test.

- I sat for quite a long time waiting, but no one ever came. It was a sad but quite intriguing spectacle, Professor Hawking surrounded by canapés and champagne, waiting anxiously for the door to open or for a time machine to appear through a loophole in space," the 70-year-old scientist said.

Hawking is now confident that he has "experimental evidence that time travel is impossible", reports TSN, citing the Daily Mail.

He clarified that although, according to Einstein's general theory of relativity, bending time and space in such a way as to travel back in time would cause a burst of radiation that would destroy the time machine and perhaps even space and time itself.

- Either way, we are travelling back in time. In doing so, we may accelerate this journey: fly at high speed in a rocket and then come back to find that everyone on Earth is much older or dead," Hawking emphasised.
Postcard from the past seeks recipient in the UK 53 years after being sent
21:00 | 18/ 08/ 2010

YEREVAN, 18 Aug - Novosti-Armenia. Britain's Royal Mail is trying to track down the addressee of a postcard sent from South Africa in 1957, RIA Novosti reported.

As part of the standard mail sorting procedure British postmen have found a postcard sent from South Africa in 1957. It is addressed to a J.C. Belsey who was a boarding school in Monkton Wylde Court, Dorset, in south-west England. Now a dedicated team is trying to track him down. It is not yet even known if he was a pupil or a teacher at the school, but postal staff, along with the school's current staff, are trying to contact alumni and teachers from those years.

"It was a big surprise for everyone to discover this message after all these years!" said Monkton Wild Court Education Centre principal Mark Fell. The postcard shows grandparents telling their grandchildren about their bus journey through South Africa. It's written about how they were expecting dinner at the hotel and how they spent the day.

"It rained today, but in spite of that, the heat has not abated," the postcard says. Royal Mail workers are puzzled, not understanding where the postcard could have come from after all these years.

"It is unlikely that it could have been sitting there all this time, unnoticed by anyone. Of course, we can only speculate as to how it was, but it is almost certain that someone put it in the post box quite recently. We regularly check all the premises at the manual and machine sorting points for mail, so it couldn't have just fallen in," said a Post spokesperson.
Just give up, start a branch, you only live once

No way, there's a filter in there. I didn't pass my IQ, it's negative (