FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 17: July 2012) - page 68


Finally we got 1.2525.)

This is a very important moment, if we hold it, good, if not, we will see 1.2455.

Where's my 2520?))
Alesha My Trade is pouring water on the operators' mill ... If you add a filter in the form of "phases of the moon", it's a grail, IMHO! :-)

I couldn't read it, it's a lot of words... it's pathetic... psychologically insecure man - I can say this type. And about the phases of the moon... I gather information from astronomical stations per minute, while the gathering piles up))). I use radiation, Earth's geo-magnetic field response, solar wind and magnetic field parameters in bilis Earth as well as total solar activity... and you are all hijinks, you understand.

Finally we got 1.2525.)

This is a very important moment, if we hold it, good, if not, we will see 1.2455.

I'll buy some more there and on 24 and on 23 too)
Where's my 2520?)))

I don't know, I was waiting for 1.2525)))

Not yet, anything can happen, we just have to wait.

While the Americans are resting, we need to chop some cabbage))))

I've seen him, he's a real pistol.)
I know, but some things can be taken on board... :-)
I know, but some things can be picked up... :-)
I agree)

A rebound is needed to refill the sells.

or maybe enough is enough, let's go north ))))


for a year or a year and a half I showed a model on astro here...Zet was a waveformer...the model was worked, I think...Margot should remember...

any kind of cycle data is possible... the question is how these cycles will work out in the future )))

the market was different then... at the moment everyone understands that the eu is already cheap and is afraid to buy it anyway... I don't see any reason to cut the rate, but the forecast put it at 0.75... Draghi likes surprises, they will leave it at the same level or maybe even raise it (unlikely)...

... And you're all giggles, you know.

I found a link to an astro site with forecasts ... - first post - here.

P.S. Look at it - it's the same as the article "dances" (operators, open interest - it's all in the SOT indicators)... + video...

P.S. I've got an owl framework written for SOT. Testing and optimising variants.