Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 33


All day long I've been wondering whether or not I'm indulging in indulgence.

I've come to the conclusion that I don't think so.

How did you come to that conclusion? Are you indulging in indulgence after all?

Thank you



that's it... end of the diary :-)

Europa: How did you come to that conclusion? Are you indulging in indulgence after all?


Of course, self-reflexivity and indulgence is evident :-)
Of course, self-reflexivity and indulgence is evident :-)

Imho any person is inherently indulgent, it's different for some people more, for others less

I think everyone is inherently indulgent, it's different for some people more, for others less.
What is Silence for, then? :-) Practice... practice and practice again... is our Everything :-)
What is Silence for, then? :-) Practice... practice and practice again... our everything :-)

Do we need words for indulgence?
Europa: Does indulgence require words?

I'll answer with these lines :-)


Broadly speaking, indulgence is that which substitutes for adequate action of the moment,

while eating up as much (or much more) of his personal power as it takes to do the action.

On the other hand, it is the main occupation of "Poor Child" (and of man in general) -

He justifies his inaction (called failure) by various "objective" reasons such as weakness, inability, enemies-interventionists, devoting almost all his free time and energy to this activity. The Party and the Government, and the Dark Powers that oppress us viciously, can be used to justify themselves...

In general indulgence is a whole process of mental activity, which includes combing through a mass of not existing, but probable events, experiences about what can suddenly happen" or "could happen" in the already past (and therefore irrelevant). As a result of such activity one ceases to live in the place and time in which one is at the present moment! One can only live in the here and now, for it is only in this area that one can make any change! The past cannot be changed and the future is bound to be different from all the imaginary options. So it turns out that in the process of indulgence a great deal of power is wasted. Moreover, indulgence is quite capable of leading to sudden death - for example, a moment such that one has to react immediately, and one stands there with one's mouth open, indulging in the disbelief that "could this really happen to me? This is the way people get hit by cars, or in other situations they are "suddenly" seized by "paralysis" at the most responsible moment. It's not paralysis, it's the habitual process of indulgence that has become unconscious.

Another important aspect of indulgence lies in the meaning of this foreign word, which can be translated as self-indulgence, indulgence in one's "weaknesses" on the principle of "Yes! That's how bad I am! (That is, a person notices some things that hinder his life, but without wanting to use force to get rid of them, he spends this force on self-justification, on indulging his "weaknesses.

In its practical manifestations, indulgence is so diverse that it is sometimes difficult to detect it in time ... but it remains the main occupation during "worries", so-called worries, anxiety, agitation ... and the classic torment of conscience! What is the torment of conscience? You haven't done what you should have done in time (because you were too busy indulging in indulgence), and now you are pretending to be "good", looking for excuses, doing everything you can to improve your subjective self-image. Indulgence in its purest form.

Indulgence, in the human world, is the basis of many professions e.g. by indulging in "I came and you left... I called and you were gone!" you can write a popular hit song and improve your financial situation. There are also institutions where people gather and indulge in various themes all day long, like "if we don't pass this law, there will be..." then the process goes on...

In short, absolutely any topic can become a topic for indulgence, and absolutely any activity can turn out to be naked indulgence.


- Tell me, do you indulge?

- When I'm alone at home, I indulge.


In the morning I woke up to the smell of roasting mushrooms.

My mother praised me for buying the mushrooms and sat me down for breakfast.

We ate them all. Neither my mother nor I got a kick out of it. Strange...

Judging from today's impulse, it was self-defeating.

And how can you not think of Mao's Citatnik...

like this:


You think too much and talk to yourself:
- I've been sincerely trying to live up to your teachings for years now. Obviously, I haven't been doing it well enough. How can I do it better now?
- You think and talk too much. You need to stop talking to yourself.
- What do you mean?
- You talk to yourself too much. You're no exception to that. We all do it. We're having an internal conversation. Think about it. What do you do when you're alone?
- I talk to myself.
- What do you talk to yourself about?
- I don't know. Anything, I guess.
- I'll tell you what we talk to ourselves about. We talk about our world. In fact, we create our world by our inner conversation.
- How do we do that?
- When we stop talking to ourselves, the world is as it should be. We renew it, we give it life, we sustain it with our inner conversation. Not only that. We also choose our paths according to what we tell ourselves. So we repeat the same choices again and again, until we die. Because we keep having the same inner conversation.
The warrior is aware of this and seeks to stop this conversation. This is the last thing you need to know if you want to live as a warrior.
- How can I stop talking to myself?
- First of all, you have to use your ears to take some of the load off your eyes. We have been using our eyes to judge the world since birth. We talk to others and to ourselves mainly about what we see. The warrior is aware of this and listens to the sounds of the world.
I put aside my notes. Don Juan laughed and said that he did not intend to impose the result on me. That listening to the sounds of the world should be harmonious and patient.
- A warrior is aware that the world will change as soon as he stops talking to himself," he said. - He must be prepared for this extraordinary push.
- What do you mean, Don Juan?
- The world is such and such only because we have told ourselves it is. If we stop telling ourselves it is so, it will stop being so. I don't think you're ready for such a sudden blow at this point, so you have to start stopping making the world.
- I really don't understand you!
- Your trouble is that you mix the world with what people do. But you're not alone in this - every one of us does it. The things people do are shields against the forces that surround us. The things we do as humans give us comfort and a sense of security. What people do is rightly very important, but only as a shield. We never know that what we do as humans are only shields and we allow them to dominate and trample on our lives. In fact, I have to say that for humanity, what people do is more important and meaningful than the world itself.
- What do you call peace?
- Peace is all that is contained here," he said and stomped on the ground, "Life, death, allies and everything else that surrounds us. The world is immense. We can never understand it. We will never unravel its mystery. So we must accept it for what it is - a marvellous mystery. The common man does not do that. The world is never a mystery to him, and as he approaches old age he becomes convinced that he has nothing more to live for. The old man has not exhausted the world. He has exhausted only what people do. In his foolish confusion he believes that the world has no more mysteries for him. This is the terrible price to pay for our shields. The warrior realises this confusion and learns to treat things right. The things that people do cannot, under any circumstances, be more important than the world. And thus the warrior treats the world as an infinite mystery, and what people do as infinite folly2.