FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 298

You chose the right forum topic - FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences...))


25300 is enough to get you started))))

noooooo)))) 2.7 minimum))))
extrasecacs, what are you scribbling there, where are we going? ))))
I smell...the wind is changing)))) ay take off)))
No,we're not.
No, we won't.

Show me your passport.)
Maybe that's why so many books were written. About teachers Yes, you are more likely to meet a scammer (if you haven't already). The knowledge is out there (and on the internet). By the way Osho has a commentary (there is audio and I have it) on the sutra - materialisation of thoughts! - Actually the main idea is that you are asleep and you are hypnotized and you need to hypnotize yourself, and in the meantime he says "you are the victim". Granny is right of course.

I have no teachers (Granny's not included) and never will be, I'm always on my own.)


yeah...well the tale is told at the weekend that's are competitions...and they'll change a bit...although nobody cancelled the okama razor ( elementary wizard on the chart)...and you can always bite on it if you don't get greedy...but it's certainly not graal...

I can't say anything about the razor, I haven't learned how to do it, but bite is still a bad idea, I read a lot, I listen to everyone, but I always do it my own way))))

Yogananda described it well - a glimpse - a teacher showed it to him, I'll find an excerpt.

No, don't...
Yogananda described it well - a glimpse - a teacher showed it to him, I'll find an excerpt.

Yeah, well...

I can't say anything about the razor, I haven't been taught that, but biting is still not good, I read a lot, I listen to a lot of shit in my head, but I always do it my way myself))))

you need to read only one book... it's the market... and watch - pick up methods that suit you... and only those you like... and do not set ambitious goals they won't... so watch information that may influence prices... just do a little research...

Every man can find his own way, I have no teachers (Grandma does not count) and never will, I'm always on my own )))

i can't say anything about the razor, i have never been taught it, but biting is still a bad job, i read a lot, i listen to a lot of information in my head is a mess, but i always do it my way myself))))

It is necessary to structure your thoughts to avoid confusion. There are practical psychotechniques that really help. I recommend Ivan Poloneitchik - He is a smart guy and explains everything clearly. I am practicing some of his techniques myself.

Special Services Advice Ernest Tsvetkov -