FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 16: June 2012) - page 116


You're welcome)))


You're welcome)))

Thank you!!! By the way, a manual has been promised for this indicator.
Thank you!!! By the way, they promised a manual for this indicator.
I remember. The indicator needs a little more work.
I remember. The indicator needs a little more work.
OK! Then wait for the updated indicator with some explanations and instructions.
such a rush to help spaini.... I think the junkie just got a dose so he wouldn't go into withdrawal before his time.
I came to have a chat with you (((, OK, I'll come and have a laugh too (when I get my drawdown back)

So what's the use of these chats? You say that the movement is up so far, the correction is not over yet, and then you and Mobile are like that - hoo-hoo, I am chasing geese, let's salt more))))

So what's the use of these conversations? You say that the movement is still up, the correction is not over yet, and then you and Mobile are like that - hoo-hoo, I'm driving geese, let's salt them, and more)))
Is it over now? :)
Is it over now? :)


Puppeteer is in a comfortable position on Sunday and is gobbling up deposits.

strangerr, you hardly know where to stand at the moment?

Judging by Serg51's chart, the fall will be tentatively till the gap 1.2513 and then it will go up. Therefore, we can sell up to this level and on the reversal we can buy.