Stop working, it's time to make money - 2. - page 17


Once again I thought about MMM :-))

It turns out that this structure is a filter for unsecured money. With the right setup, only the extra money will go up. Although, they are already surplus, if they are brought in.


Denis, get registered before it gets any worse, because they are already putting a bolt through a bear's neck and about to disinfect it.

P.S. Never participate in financial pyramid schemes, because it is stupid to invest and immoral to receive!

Enough with the morality crap. :)

I'm simply not interested in this game.


That's a great idea.

Let me guess. Often all or part of the winnings went to buy drinks for everyone involved.

I didn't. But you didn't guess either.

When I was a kid, like any kid, the thought probably crossed my mind: why not print lots and lots of money! And give it out to everyone! Lots of it! And everybody would be rich! And everybody will have everything!

It seems understandable that a child could think like that. Stupid and naive, but in a good way. But when grown-ups are so serious that we're the path to happiness... - it gets creepy. Where's the goodness in this apart from the stupidity? А?

It's against the law to print money, so.... let's borrow it from a neighbour! We'll only pay it back, of course, if we borrow enough from another neighbour... The main thing is not to run out of "neighbours" for as long as possible, and to do that, we need to spread the word about the success of the system for as long as possible.

There is no need to go after Mavrodi. His role and that of his apologists is invaluable to the evolution of upright primates.
There is no need to go after Mavrodi. His role and that of his apologists is invaluable to the evolution of upright primates.

The Kalashnikov assault rifle from such a staging is invaluable at all.

Enough with the moralizing. :)

I'm simply not interested in this game.

I wasn't. But you didn't either.

1. When I was a kid, like any kid, I probably had the idea: why not print a lot of money! And give it out to everyone! Lots of it! And everybody will be rich! And everybody will have everything!

2 The fact that a child can reason in such a way - seems understandable. Stupid and naive, but in a good way. But when grown-ups are so serious about assuring us that we're the path to happiness... - it gets creepy. Where's the goodness in this apart from the stupidity? А?

It's against the law to print money, so.... let's borrow it from a neighbour! We'll only pay it back, of course, if we borrow enough from another neighbour... The main thing is not to run out of "neighbours" for as long as possible, and for that we should spread rumors about the success of the system as long as possible.

1. To me - "didn't come".

2. Dig deeper. Namely - introduced into the system, your money in any national currency is not dough in this currency - it is already dough in Euro-U.S. You can sell part of this MAURO, you can "fill up" - there is such a concept ... :-) The question is that the MAURO-U.U. settlements are about to start, acquisition of movable and immovable property - this is one, two, when the system - will close - this will mean at least - when the "loads and above" will be in it participants - what is not a force worth reckoning with anyone ..., at most - this is the second phase of the system (the details of which is silent yet Sam), namely, that other currencies do not need, all calculations in MAURO-U .., And the rate will be limited only by Mr. Mavrodi himself... Further, the words from "The Chronicles of Riddick" come to mind - "An evil empire at the feet of a loner outside the law ... what will happen to the universe??? Not even I can calculate the options here!!!"


P.S. - "Where's the goodness in this apart from stupidity?"

- Stupidity is not kindness.


and anyway, who knows what the future will be or should be like, to say that it is bad now.

and it will be as we want it to be.


P.S. - "Where is kindness here apart from stupidity?"

- Stupidity is not kindness.

Thank you, CAP!

You are welcome to it, Denis.
Do you have any idea how many people and how much they invest not to "raise", but in spite of the existing system of wealth distribution? Yes, of course they do, but just think (!) that wealthy people do it so that it would not be like this!

Stupidity on their part? Or kindness to the less fortunate?

Silly of course. How fucking kind :)))