Stop working, it's time to make money - 2. - page 7

Valera, I do not want to argue with you. If you've already stooped to attributing other people's words to me, there's no further to go. Go away. That's low.

you're not asking me, you're asking Valera.... You should take it to him.

I think you put me on ignore long time ago, why it suddenly started a dialogue, I do not know..... understand yourself, I do not insist in communicating with immoral people, but it is not your competence to prohibit me to speak out.

ZS: open your eyes, the post is this

moskitman 20.05.2012 21:3

what other people's posts ..... percentages are just in your head....

Here is a picture of the post.

The smoking room and the humour have moved here? And why are you all here at this hour, waiting for what, maybe the opening of a new session? I don't get it.
Have the smoking room and the humour moved here? Why are you all here at this hour, waiting for what, maybe the opening of a new session? i don't get it

oooh, i remember, i remember you))))) I'm forming a better idea. we agreed last time that you would take it on......

And on the subject, Mukhin is being encouraged to make noodles for starving Africans.

If you've already stooped to attributing other people's words to me. That's low.

said the tenth man with an instructive and angelic look, taking the last pension from the granny.

oooh, i remember, i remember you))))) i'm forming a better idea. we agreed last time that you would take up the cause......

on the other hand, Mukhin is being encouraged to make noodles for starving africans.

Well,shape it up,but make it classy,because I didn't wait for last time. And you don't have time, you're busy. I understand. Besides, I asked for a beer the other day, but there was silence. Maybe I wanted to set up a charity fund, I threw in a tip... And nothing! Why write in humor, so it seems that there and in the smoking room sometimes can and mother, and about MMM to stretch the word, to some for it and nothing happens, indulgence probably have?

said the tenth officer with an enlightened and angelic look, taking the last pension from the granny.
You have to be more optimistic! Like this: "said the tenth officer with a cautionary and angelic look, giving the granny hope."
Well, shape it up, but make it smart, because I didn't wait for the last time. And you don't have time, you're busy. I understand. Besides, I asked for a beer the other day, but they kept quiet. Maybe I wanted to set up a charity fund, I threw in a tip... And nothing! Why have you written in humour, as there sometimes it is possible and in a smoking room, and about MMM to stretch the word, to some people for it and nothing happens, indulgences probably have?

I would help, no problem, hangover is a subtle thing, it can happen to anyone, but I had the last 50 cents in my pocket)))) and the idea needs to be cut down, because people today are fastidious, they do not need ideas, if you put it in a wrong way, then they start to squeamish, they need not just money ideas, they need completely defended, that God forbid you should not overwork your mind in picking and improving something else's.

but I'll take you at your word, I'll be sure to get back to you.


I would help, no problem, hangover is a subtle thing, it can happen to anyone, but I had the last fifty dollars in my pocket)))) and the idea needs to be cut down, because people today are fastidious, they do not need ideas, you put it wrong and all, they get squeamish, they not just need money ideas, they need completely defended, that God forbid you should not overwork your mind in digging and improvement of someone else's.

Come on, I get it, there's no help here, and you can't build your pyramid here. How about we start one from scratch, huh? Let's call it a "mutual aid fund", if only not to mention the unsound, IMHO, "Mavrodi". I have negative associations, purely phonetic.

And about the idea - we need like-minded people, in unison, resonance must arise, otherwise - stupid coding with constant interrogation and clarification will turn out.


Come on, I get it, there's no help here, and you can't build your pyramid here. How about we start one from scratch, huh? Let's call it a "mutual aid fund", if only not to mention the unsound, IMHO, "Mavrodi". I have negative associations, purely phonetic.

And as for the idea, we need like-minded people, in unison, resonance should arise, otherwise there will be a stupid coding with constant interrogation and clarification.

We need them, but where to get them, I tell you, the wrong boar is nowadays, youngsters are chasing from well-fed places, confusing the tracks. as a result, instead of sound unison or resonance, only sonic jamming all around.


We need them, but where to get them, I'm telling you, the boar is changing, the young are running away from the well-fed places, confusing the tracks.

I agree with you. The boars should be revamped. They are rampant, bragging and boasting of their experience... New ideas are valuable because they are new and unshackled by tradition and experience. But that's philosophy...

I'll take my leave for today.