[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 214

Noooo.... That's not me! You read my post through the line! :-)

♪ suffering and pain ♪

I saw in that post

♪ and I cried like a frog ♪

♪ and I've been laughing my ass off ♪



The affair has a forecast on EUR 0,8 and he follows the trend because he is a bearish bull)))) But here is the thing - I had to fix it at 2500 because the analysis did not allow it)))
Noooo.... this is not about me! You read my post through the line! :-)

Alexander, how are you doing in Ecuador, how are the Ecuadorians?
The affair has a forecast on EUR 0,8 and he follows the trend because he is a bearish bull)))) But here is the thing - I had to fix it at 2500 because the analysis did not allow it ))))

And I am a bull-bear then, I try to buy first, sell second ))))

♪ suffering and pain ♪

I saw in that post

♪ and I cried like a frog ♪

♪ and I've been laughing my ass off ♪



The euras and the quid, fuck you,

The Mexican peso is the best! )))

..they miss cold vodka and herring... All bananas and bananas... and the euro is just an excuse to have a meaningful wine party...

The euro and the quid - fuck off,

The coolest thing is the Mexican peso! )))

Well, it's a literary evening, poems are pouring out of the horn ))))
It's not the euro that's rising - it's the dollar that's falling (c).... ))))))))

Why so emotional, are there so many bays?)))
no other way
It's not the euro that's rising - it's the dollar that's falling (c).... ))))))))
the dollar is forva. there are no other currencies. all other currencies are second best.