[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 15: May 2012) - page 213

Gee... that's better...

I have had enough and would like to speak out publicly on EURUSD.

It will only go downhill from here. You don't have to ask for a clue! My prediction is that the Euro will fall to its real value of 0.8 cents to one U.S. Dollar. Parity is not far off.

In terms of global analysis, things could be worse... That is, it's better if you follow the trend line rather than stupidly believing a bloated political currency.
I've heard angry comments about the dollar more than once lately from people I know. The RBC TV channel, for example, is clearly playing towards the euro. But we are not blind deposit savers! What did they want? They should have thought! The dollar has been the international unit of payment since 1928! 50 states (formerly actually separate countries) since the end of the war between the north and the south have lived in peace and harmony with the common economy.... and suddenly some freshly minted european union appears with a single currency but totally fragmented, not united, and most importantly not equal economies of states, and claims to be the number one currency! It's like a Euro swoop - you come, you see, you leave a footprint! It does not work like that. First it must unite and then stabilize the economy on a European scale and the currency will begin to strengthen itself not on political statements and speculation but on an economic basis. Maybe it will happen at some point, but for now..... I'm not a supporter of either the dollar or the euro.... I follow the trend line. And since the start of the global crisis, the euro has been trending downwards against the dollar. The US economy is growing now. It's growing slowly, but it's still growing. And in Europe, although the decline is slowing, it's still falling. And there's nothing you can do about it. The media is to blame. In Russia it was the media that inflated the value of the euro against the dollar. People believed it and the result is that everyone is mad at the dollar because it is going up! Especially those who took out dollar loans. This is nonsense! The dollar has always been the second non-official national currency in Russia. So "don't be like that when you're wrong in the head"! It's their own fault. You should have borrowed in euros, or better in roubles.

The euro union may collapse and the euro will beworthless . I think it will not come to that, but there are talks.

The drachma has been printed in Greece in case the Greek currency collapses or quits. The cost was 235 million euros and it was done long before the elections. Yes, I have this insider information. The Greek economy is too weak against Germany and France. Portugal, Spain and Italy feel the same way. And with a single currency they just can't be out of sync.... Hence the conclusion - either the collapse of the union or devaluation of the euro, which is actually the best way out for the EU. And most importantly a fair way out to the rest of the world. The stated ambitions of the EU just do not allow it yet. Like this.... But this is my private opinion.

On the subject of the Euro/Dollar pair - Author's verse for a good cause:

The dollar will get stronger! I don't believe in the euro.
We'll buy dollars and fuck the euro!

I said to myself: Guys! How long are we going to stand it?!

We are being parroted a stupid currency, and we have to dance and sing
to the tune of pseudo-economists who paint the euro gold?
I advise you, Mario Draghi, to send the Euro to the toilet!



I have had enough and would like to speak out publicly on EURUSD.

It will only go downhill from here. You don't have to ask for a clue! My prediction is that the Euro will fall to its real value of 0.8 cents to one U.S. Dollar. Parity is not far off.

If we talk about global analysis, things could be worse... That is, it's better if you follow the trend line, rather than stupidly believing in dumb political currency.
I've heard angry comments about the dollar more than once lately from people I know. The RBC TV channel, for example, is clearly playing towards the euro. But we are not blind deposit savers! What did they want? They should have thought! The dollar has been the international unit of payment since 1928! 50 states (formerly actually separate countries) since the end of the war between the north and the south have lived in peace and harmony with the common economy.... and suddenly some freshly minted european union appears with a single currency but totally fragmented, not united, and most importantly not equal economies of states, and claims to be the number ONE currency! It's like a Euro swoop - you come, you see, you leave a footprint! It does not work like that. First it must unite and then stabilize the economy on a European scale and the currency will begin to strengthen itself not on political statements and speculation but on an economic basis. Maybe it will happen at some point, but for now..... I'm not a supporter of either the dollar or the euro.... I follow the trend line. And since the start of the global crisis, the euro has been trending downwards against the dollar. The US economy is growing now. It's growing slowly, but it's still growing. And in Europe, although the decline is slowing, it's still falling. And there's nothing you can do about it. The media is to blame. In Russia it was the media that inflated the value of the euro against the dollar. People believed it and the result is that everyone is mad at the dollar because it is going up! Especially those who took out dollar loans. This is nonsense! The dollar has always been the second non-official national currency in Russia. So "don't be like that when you're wrong in the head"! It's their own fault. You should have borrowed in euros, or better in roubles.

The euro might collapse and the euro will beworthless . I do not think it will come to that, but there is talk of it.

In Greece the drachma has already been printed in case of a collapse or withdrawal. The cost was 235 million euros and it was done long before the elections. Yes, I have this insider information. The Greek economy is too weak against Germany and France. Portugal, Spain and Italy feel the same way. And with a single currency they just can't be out of sync.... Hence the conclusion - either the collapse of the union or devaluation of the euro, which is actually the best way out for the EU. And most importantly a fair way out to the rest of the world. The stated ambitions of the EU just do not allow it yet. Like this.... But that is my private opinion.

Speaking of the euro/dollar pair - An author's poem for a good cause:

The dollar will get stronger! I do not believe in the euro.
Let's buy 'em, let's dump the euro!

I said to myself: Guys! How long are we going to stand it?!

They're giving us a stupid currency and we're supposed to dance and sing
To the tune of the pseudo-economists who paint the euro gold!
I advise you, Mario Draghi, to send the euro to the toilet!


Why so emotional, are there so many bays?)))
That the euro is an upstart - I disagree. It is part of a world plan to divide the world into 4 economic unions, where the euro, the amero, the afro and the common Asian currency (I don't know the name yet) will go. It will not be discounted.

I have a lot on my mind and would like to comment publicly on the EURUSD.

Poor you... you're so pissed off, so many pairs without the eu, why do you feel so sorry for yourself? ))))

Why so emotional, are there so many beaus?)))
God be with you! I wrote that I'm following the trend line! It just hurts for people. They buy them despite the downtrend. ;-)
And today I am even in a good mood! Knowing in advance that the rating of Spain will be downgraded, I sold 6 volumes on flat and closed at 1.2500. I could have gone lower, but the technical analysis did not allow it.
I do not understand why there are bears and bulls? Then I am a Bearish bull. ;-) Just analyzing the trend and following it.
That's the way it is.

Here's another poem for today's win:

Today is the best day ever.
Let the flags fly over the shelves!
Today's the best day ever
I've sold my euros!

I've increased my capital
And the dollar has strengthened
Thank you, François Alain!
And to Greece I bow my head!

Will that do?)))

It's time to get the blue lettering, too ;)))
That the euro is an upstart - I disagree. It is part of a world plan to divide the world into 4 economic unions, where the euro, the amero, the afro and the common Asian currency (I don't know the name yet) will go. It will not be discounted.
No comment.... But the thought is interesting....
you poor thing... how you've been so overreacting, so many pairs without the euras, why do you feel so guilty? ))))
Noooo.... that's not me! You read my post through the line! :-)
Bummer ))))