Humour - page 257


On the ...

Friday the 13th of any month is a common omen that on such a day you should be especially prepared for trouble and beware of bad luck. In medicine, it is regarded as one of the phobias and is sometimes called paraskavidekatriaphobia.

Sometimes it develops into a social phobia and can be treated with pirazidol, moclobemide and after assessing clinical effectiveness and positive results, you can switch to xanax.
- Guys, I believe in karma, I believe that one day God will punish us for our sins, so I have a question.
- I was on my way home late and on the way home, I ran into two guys who politely asked me for my phone,
to make a phone call. Well, word of mouth, after a couple of minutes they lay down to rest on the ground.
- Now, the real question is: Will God punish me for their 2 phones, money and my size trainers
borrowed from one of them?

A monk comes to his Guru in the morning.

- Yesterday I was on my way to the monastery and 10 people came up and started bullying me. I tried to respond calmly, but they went on the offensive! I tried to run away from them, but I hit a rock dead end! I turned on them and killed them! Tell the GURU, did I win the battle?

- You lost!

- Guru I don't understand, tell me why?

- Your sleeve's torn.

And in general, both East and West, suffer from paraskavidekatriaphobia, there is nothing 13, not in the lift, not in the airport. This proves that the Russians 13 the middle! We made it to the thirteenth, the choir! We will not accept foreign devils into Russia!
from Kiev, why? What's up?

Ooh, a landlubber.

Are you on a beekeeping forum, by any chance?

I thought I talked to you there.


Ooh, a landlubber.

Are you on a beekeeping forum, by any chance?

I thought I spoke to you there.

FAGOTT and bees? That's where I'm 100% absent, it's on the beekeeping forum.......


Pardon me then )



Pardon me then )

FAGOTT despise bees, bees despise FAGOTT. FAGOTT to breathe over the bees, the bees sting painfully...

FAGOTT to despise bees, bees despise FAGOTT. FAGOTT to breathe too much on the bees, the bees sting painfully...


Whoever respects bees, whoever doesn't get them, they don't sting, they bring honey ;)


FAGOTT despise bees, bees despise FAGOTT. FAGOTT to breathe too much on the bees, the bees sting painfully...

But you're a revolutionary -- which means you must be a beekeeper. Otherwise -- you're betraying the ideals of the revolution.
