Humour - page 252


On Slavic history, including the Christian religion and language development, the Egyptian pyramids and the Tatar-Mongol yoke. All this is presented by two Russian scientists, Nosovsky and Fomenko, in the new chronology they created based on a mathematical statistical analysis of historical events and dates.

All this is popularly covered in 25 episodes of the documentary 'History - Science or Fiction'. The work has been in progress since the 70s and in the 12th series they present a reconstruction of historical events, I recommend it. As far as it is serious and plausible judge for yourself.

Evolution, like history, also goes in a spiral - 20013 AD.


Evolution, like history, also goes in a spiral - 20013 AD.

Ta nah, it's not our era anymore, it's THEIR era, i.e. "i.e." )))
There's something with zeros in it :)

All this is popularly covered in 25 episodes of the documentary "History - Science or Fiction". The work has been in progress since the 70s and in the 12th series they present a reconstruction of historical events, I recommend it. How serious and plausible it is is for you to judge.

We are living in an age of total unprofessionalism which is corroding every aspect of society, from its power structures to the organisation of the education system. <...> A society that has been raised on scandals, glued to the television screen, craves negativity and flamboyance. It loves tricks by David Copperfield and Anatoly Fomenko.


In 2004 for the series of books on the "New Chronology" co-authors A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky were awarded the "Abzatz" Anti-Prize in the category "Honorary Illiteracy" - for "particularly cynical crimes against the Russian literature".

We live in an age of total unprofessionalism, which corrodes every aspect of society - from its power structures to the organisation of the education system. <...> A society that has been brought up on scandals and is glued to the television screen, it craves negativity and epatage. It loves tricks by David Copperfield and Anatoly Fomenko.


In 2004 for the series of books on the "New Chronology" co-authors A. Fomenko and G. Nosovsky were awarded the "Abzatz" Anti-Prize in the category "Honorary Illiteracy" - for "particularly cynical crimes against the Russian literature".

So Fomenko is not a historian, he is a mathematician. And he took up the problem after investigating the behaviour of the moon. At one time in history, the celestial body, according to records of historians at the time, was behaving strangely. Neither before nor after, such behaviour was repeated, and the moon behaved like an ordinary boulder in a stationary orbit. So either the moon is controllable or the chronologies are wrong, it seems in the first series. Watch a couple of episodes where he explains his methods, pretty informative and doesn't take much time.


I wonder how this news will affect the market?