Humour - page 296


An analytical firm has opened a branch in a village. A farmer comes to them and says:

- What should I do, my chickens are dying?

- What do you feed them?

- Wheat.

- And you salt the wheat.

A week later he comes again:

- I salted the wheat, but they still die.

- What do you feed them?

- Water.

- You sweeten the water.

The farmer comes to them for the third time:

- I salted the wheat, I sweetened the water, but the chickens are all dead.

- All of them? That's a pity. We still have a lot of good advice for you.

A broker calls a client
I have two pieces of news for you, one bad and one good.
I'll start with the bad news.
Your position was closed on a stop loss...
What's the good news?

That day the volumes were very low.


The old trader sits in front of the monitor, working. He makes two points there, five points there, and so on all day long.
The young trader comes up to him and starts to criticize him:
- How do you work? You have no system, all you do is bullshit, crappy pipsing...
The old trader turns to him and says:
- You know, I'm tired of being clever, I want to make some money.
A new Russian goes to a Swiss bank: "Brothers, give me a one-year loan for a hundred quid. - Please, at three per cent a year, and collateral is required. - No problem. There's a 600 Merc at the door, here are the keys. He gets the money and walks out. Comes back a year later. - Bros, here's a hundred and three quid, give me the car. Naturally, they bring him the car, give him the keys. And they ask: - Listen, why did you need it? - Where else are you gonna find a secure car park for three quid a year?
A quiet evening in the village... A man runs into a local pub and shouts from the very entrance: 200 grams of vodka!!! He sits at the bar, wraps his arms around his head and mutters: - This is inexplicable, this is inexplicable!!!!! The barman, pouring 200 grams of vodka, asks: - What is inexplicable? The man begins his story: - My wife asked me to milk a cow... I sit down, put the bucket down, start milking... The cow's left hind leg kicks in and knocks the bucket over... so I take the string off, tie my leg off....... and I start milking, and she kicks the bucket over again... so I'm pissed off, take off the second shoelace, tie the second leg... start milking... And she tails me in the face, I fall down, hit the bucket, the bucket spills... I get up, take off my belt, tie my tail to the crossbar, my trousers fall down, and then my wife walks in. Well, inexplicable!!!

AD is afraid.

Vodka will be poured into boiling cauldrons :-), pools of cool water instead of fire

The devils will be reclassified ...

