Humour - page 63

I would have clicked "Plagiarise" because it's a good idea to leave a link to the original source.

Would you recommend doing the same with anecdotes? What if it was told to me, and I just wrote it as I remembered it? And suddenly it turns out on the Internet that it already exists somewhere. I'm a plagiarist, aren't I?
Quiet, guys, this is the Quiet Room, this is Humour.)
Quiet, guys, this is the Quiet Room, this is Humour.)
If anything - I'm not with the showdown, I liked the article at the link. It would have been nice and probably useful to talk to the author.
The article is interesting. I recommend it.

I've been watching Pushnoy vs Friske for the thirtieth time and keep laughing, people's templates were really broken there))).

Zhanna's reaction reminded me of the kid's expression at the 11th second

The budget of Russia will be invested in MMM-2011. And in about six months, the country's economy will take the lead in the world.Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced the investment of the budget in MMM-2011. 95% of the country's budget will be invested in the financial pyramid. "We are cautious. We didn't invest everything at once," commented Finance Minister Anton Siluanov on diversification.

This decision brings with it pluses for all parties: for example, the old MMM depositors now have complete peace of mind about their future: the payments promised by Mavrodi will only be reached in a couple of months, and they have not looked that far for a long time. Of course, now the pyramid's organizers will have to reprint all the advertisements: if before there were 35 million of them, now there are more than 140 million


"Electricians' Village Chat"


The budget of Russia will be invested in MMM-2011. And in about six months, the country's economy will take the lead in the world.Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced the investment of the budget in MMM-2011. 95% of the country's budget will be invested in the financial pyramid. "We are cautious. We didn't invest everything at once," commented Finance Minister Anton Siluanov on diversification.

This decision brings pluses for all parties: for example, the old MMM depositors are now completely safe about their future: the payouts promised by Mavrodi will only be reached in a couple of months, and they have not looked that far for a long time. Of course, now the pyramid's organizers will have to reprint all the advertisements: if before there were 35 million of them, now there are more than 140 million

Judging from today's euromoney, it was not Putin who joined the MMM, but Angela Merkel.

An oldie, of course, but still :

And only horses fly inspired...