Negro! - page 82

I'll back you too, Yusuf. I like your um... stubbornness. The style. Hold your own.
Svinozavr: I like your, uh... stubbornness. Style.

And even I like it, even though I snide and post it in the Annals.

In any serious business, 80% of it is stubbornness and the rest is talent and genius.


Googlednon-grailers :D

and immediately gave away the ardent non-grailers first places in google! :D famous people of this forum

I did a more trivial thing.

I googled Fozi :-))

However, "and I was there..."(C).


Heh, entered mine and was shocked.

There are only 6(!) irrelevant results on page 1. And there's a picture of me.

Haha! I'm afraid to google mine))))
Hee ))))

Nice going on the board )

I've got my nickname on - it's all stats and charts, it's kind of depressing.


Thanks :) there's a lot of pictures from Mishka's branch from the 5, so there's a bit of variety.

By the way, your avatar is there :)


Thanks :) there's a lot of pictures from Mishka's branch from the 5, so there's a bit of variety.

By the way, your avatar is there :)

Yeah ) I'm on other people's list too. I'm all over the place.)

There it is, the grail )))) China is in its prime, in the midst of a tremendous economic boom. You should go there, it's fun.)


"Crocus in Shenzhen.

Shenzhen from the 25th floor.