MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 73

And what is the difficulty in MT5 for "ordinary" traders?

It has been said here more than once. I don't get paid for it, so I don't have to make a big deal out of it.

Metakvots has already stated from 10 different angles what it is that ordinary traders are unhappy about.

But so far the response is just a smug smirk.

MetaDriver: No way. He thinks it's funny.

The mql5 programming is completely different from mql4. Oh yeah, it's OOP, and you can't prove that you don't like OOP. "to your code.

Well, let them "make fun" all the more the thread has degenerated from a discussion with developers into yet another mindless nonsense with whining. Well, the fact that 99% of those who see difficulties in programming in mql5 have absolutely zero programming experience even in mql4 is obvious.


In a little while Metatrader will also replace 1C:Accounting, Microsoft Office, Antivirus+Brandmauer, CRM, ERP, and in the not too distant future, singles can also be recorded under veneer.

Oh, you read my mind.

Wait a little while, it will all be here soon.


It has been said here more than once. I don't get paid for it, so I don't have to make a big deal out of it.

Metakvots has already stated from 10 different angles what it is that ordinary traders are unhappy about.

But so far the response has been nothing but a smug smirk.

Apparently "simple traders" just need to use "simple terminals". I hope they are not so simple that they can't just use Yandex.


1. Be specific. What exactly are the traders' requests that are not being implemented? It's a good topic, why not discuss it.

Sorry mate - nothing for me to discuss. When my (reasoned) requests were sent to hell, I gave up and do not know the current state of affairs.

As far as I can see, Spot is more convenient for manual trading than MT4.

What else are people sorely missing (and maliciously ignored by metaquotes) ?

The order opening form has probably not changed since version 2. What I have always missed is the most elementary thing - when setting a stop loss, it should immediately show possible profit loss in money and percentage of deposit (especially important for such popular micro-deposits, up to a couple of dollars). It is so obvious and easy to implement that it is not worth mentioning. We may be forgiven for forgetting about all the other ones, because they will not do it anyway.

2. Well I rejoice in spite of the fact that you're twisting. :) I've seen several platforms for non-developers (:apparently for traders:) - passed them by.

By the way, Sergei, what are you doing here? Same thing... - You don't have this and you don't have that...?

Well. The main thing is that we have a lot of things missing on those platforms that are like "for traders". And it's irreplaceable there.

In this case (MT4-MT5) I can compensate for what I am missing.

// Don't you know? Who cares about the cow ... ;)

I'll roll up my sleeves and make up for it. At the very least, I'll buy from your website. :)

Let's talk about cows when you know the difference between a cow and a bull, and don't ignore things you don't understand, because you don't yet ;)

How many traders are able to master MQL4 (let alone MQL5)? And in "those" platforms (in SierraCharts and CQG) they allow to take data in Excel (not the last values of DDE, which you can do nothing with but look at, but a decent chunk of data and directly in Excel. Then they may be processed with Excel formulas and if the "signal" is "set" in a certain cell, the order will be opened/closed directly from Excel. I hope nobody will dispute that even the most sophisticated blonde can be taught to draw formulas in Excel, while MQL is for the elite only :)))

4. is this the only advantage of CQG ? How to program your own strategies? Ah, here we are:

No. The main advantage of CQG technology over MQL is that it has its own honest ActiveX with all the implications.... I can work in a truly professional development environment, use absolutely any tools and libraries (including 3D and OpenGL, so beloved here) and not be bound by cumbersome features that developers managed to implement and wait until they finish the rest.

MT5 is undoubtedly a huge step forward in comparison to 4k, but during this advance you have to tighten belt and walking doesn't become more comfortable.

We got used to it, we will get used to 5, because there is no alternative for it.

f.t.: Then they can be processed by regular Excel formulas and if you "set" a "signal" in a certain cell, the order will open/close right from Excel. I hope nobody will dispute that even the most sophisticated blonde can learn to draw formulas in Excel, but MQL can teach them.
Well, Sergei, you are out of your depth. You can teach the blonde to create some reports by clicking only with the mouse. But only a few blonds are able to enter formulas. Discrimination again...

But never mind - we got used to it, we'll get used to the 5 because there's no alternative to it anyway.

You don't have to read the rest of this post. :)


You don't have to read the rest of the post. :)


Basically... almost.


A good day to you, Sergei, and good luck in trading and programming!

I'm sure that you will come back to MT5 after you have visited other platforms. If you don't understand Excel, you will not programmer (because you are brunette), and it's not a great pleasure to write your own terminal for API, although it is useful for mental health - humility before reality and gratitude for the work done by others.

Good luck !


And you don't have to read the rest of the post. :)

Absolutely. After all, we all gathered here know the Truth, and everyone else - get lost but will come to it :)))

When the latitude is compressed into a point, it becomes a "point of view" ;) all scolding me, of course, have it, otherwise they would not scold, but at least asked a question: what is it about?

My friends, don't you understand that there can be no alternative views on this forum for the simple reason that people engaged in other activities do it elsewhere? There is no point in discussing other platforms here. Which of you can give us useful advices about jForex, NinjaTrader, CQG, ThinkOrSwim, SierraCharts, MultiCharts, Wealth-Lab Developer, Strategy Runner, PFG, Rithmic, ....? These are just the ones I dug around long enough to remember them without the help of google. And how many other *trader's are there? Yes, none of them are perfect, and MT is much more advanced than them, but many things they have are much more convenient than the same functions in MT. It's a pity that developers are so high-minded that they think they know what's good for them better than we do. Their logic is simple and effective - you have to make a platform that no one else has (otherwise you won't be able to sell it). And they make it so..... but! by NOT wanting to repeat the successful functionality of other platforms. Well how - then everyone will say to them: it's like done in CQG and what to be proud of then! :)))) And so - cloud computing and 3D visualization, and so on, except for the most essential things ...... I myself am grumbling here for one reason only - I'm terribly sorry that the policy of circumcision prevents MT from becoming the only really worthwhile platform. When criticising MT's shortcomings I always show (at least try to) show an alternative view of the problem. But who needs it here? :( We have the (own) TRUTH and the rest is high up our sleeves.........

Good luck to you gentlemen. Do not look around! Keep your eyes shut and go your way - it's quieter and more reliable. Everyone else can never be right about anything.

I also think that with time (when the 4 will be obsolete) only geeks will be left on the MT, they will draw their balls faster and cooler than anyone else, but in the proud solitude)