MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 72


Well, who needs it, needs it. Don't take the head of the company's words literally. Inducators sometimes have large loops (mine, for instance) that parallelize quite well.

And the visualization of the trading process may provide a great opportunity to vectorize. If you think that visualization is just balls, rack your brains and think about its possible usefulness.

I'm not saying that OpenCL is a panacea for anything and everything. But it may very well be useful in trading and inducators as well.

It's good if big cycles bring you money).

Vectorisation, on the other hand, is a nice gimmick - you have to pay for it with the extra time you spend on the simplest tasks.

OnGoing: Vectorization is a nice gimmick - you have to pay for it with extra time to implement the simplest tasks.

Let's assume that you are talking about vectorization (and not visualization).

Well, if you don't spend it, you'll be paying money on every trade because of the severe lag. Take your pick.

And if it's all about visualisation, it's worth something too. Instead of storing several hundred transaction results, it's much easier to do it like this:

You have 11.5 thousand objects. It's a curve of paper profit in zero window. It's clear and visual. We take screenshots at certain points and then analyse them.

Do you think that by using the same CQG it will all come out quickly and beautifully, without straining your brain?


1. the rest of us, those who need to trade rather than develop, have given up on requests that are not being implemented.

2. now enjoy a platform for developers, not traders.

3. the abstract art of programming and the practice of earning on exchanges - they are like north and south pole of the earth.

4. install the CQG client and see how the right-click opens orders in the market - that's where the real care about the man in the terminal ;)

1. Be specific. What exactly the traders requests are not implemented? It's a good topic, why not discuss.

As far as I see, P5 is more convenient for hand trading than MT4.

What else are people sorely lacking (and maliciously ignored by the meta-quotes) ?

2. Well I rejoice in spite of the fact that you're twisting. :) I've seen some platforms for NOT developers (:apparently for traders:) - passed it by.

By the way, Sergei, what are you doing here? Same thing... - You don't have this and you don't have that...?

Well. The main thing is that we have a lot of things missing on those platforms that are like "for traders". And it's irreplaceable there.

In this case (MT4-MT5) I can compensate for what I am missing.

// Don't you know? Who cares about the cow ... ;)

I'll roll up my sleeves and make up for it. At the very least, I'll buy it from your website. :)

3. The earth is round. Amen. Developers live in the North Pole - everyone knows that and that's right. This is their place.

The practice of making money on exchanges cannot be improved by developers in any way. Except convenience for trading.

So, let me give you a quick overview (you are probably not aware of it): Trading may be Manual.

There are terminals, which are oriented on manual. And there are (how many?) terminals that are focused on automatic.

I have a feeling that this is exactly the case. Which suits me just fine.

// And for manual trading the terminal is also suitable.

// There are some small imperfections, which you may just finish. And you'll sell it. I know you. :)

4. this is the only advantage of CQG ? How did you say, to program their strategies? Ah, here it is:

Creating Q formula?

Left click on the Formula button in the upper right corner of the screen. Click on the tab QFormulas. Click on the New button. Then you can start creating your own formula (QFormula) or you can use the built-in formula templates. For more information please contact CQG Technical Support.

That's it, I've already run to the queue to sign up...



Anyway. There is also a lot missing from those "for traders" type platforms. Moreover, it is irreplaceable there.

Here (MT4-MT5) I can compensate for what I'm missing.


These are golden words.

Many do not understand it. You can do for yourself (or for your own money - for the client) whatever you want - both for manual and automatic trading. The platform is limited only by the imagination of its users.

Here's more good news.


Hilarious) Finally, it will be possible to draw in MT5))

In a little while, and Metatrader will also replace 1C:Accounting, Microsoft Office, Antivirus+Brandmauer, CRM, ERP, and in the near future it will be possible to write singles to veneer.

That's when MKs will definitely become monopolists in their industry)


In a little while Metatrader will also replace 1C:Accounting, Microsoft Office, Antivirus+Brandmauer, CRM, ERP, and in the near future singles can be recorded to veneer.

Don't you think you've done another stupid thing?

That's when the MCs will definitely become monopolists in their industry)

I think even sooner. :)
Don't you think you've done something stupid?
Oh, come on. He thinks it's funny.
Don't you think you've done something stupid?
No, I don't. I, like many people, believe that instead of making life easier for ordinary traders, the MCs have gone the wrong way, spending resources on all sorts of nonsense.
No, it doesn't. I, like many, think that instead of making life easier for ordinary traders, the MCs have gone the wrong way, spending resources on all sorts of crap.

What's the difficulty in MT5 for 'ordinary' traders?

Is it opening trades in the cup with the wrong mouse paw?