MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 40

Pardon me, I was wrong to agree. Independent quotes are broker-independent quotes. If your algorithm is measured in milliseconds, then it is a quote from a stock exchange and not from a broker.

I have different pings at different brokers. Every millisecond arbitrage occurs...


Matlab as a stand-alone trading terminal is, to me, extreme. The trading terminal is not only the client side, but also the server side of the broker, the DC, plus the creation/support/maintenance. I think there are some very expensive commercial Matlab tools for trading, but they are not cheap. It's easier to download from MT to Matlab and back, similar to how they work with QuickBooks.

Matlab is an example of openness.

I'm discussing the prospect of metaquotes.

Let's imagine, let's dream, that MT has everything that EViews has inserted into it. This add-on is sold for less money than EVs. I would buy it. It's about that. And it's still possible to implement trading on maths built on matlab.


Somehow, Renat's phrase that it was just a business went unnoticed. Everyone took this as normal, without really knowing what kind of business it was. And this is a monopoly business: they are trying to lump us all under the MT brokers and the business scheme is primitive as hell - spread (commission) and a non-market deal as a stop loss for the DC. To this should be added specially prepared quotes. At the same time it is important to make access to modern mathematics as difficult as possible, which minimizes the costs of pseudo-brokers playing against us.

If we predict the future of trading, it is the fight against monopoly on all components.

1. the source of quotes - independent suppliers, not interested brokers

2. Trading platforms - are built on fundamentally open source software, of which all modern and future mathematics is a part. As an example, I will give Matlab. Matlab itself is written in the m-language in which it is delivered. The user writes in the same m-language, i.e. his results are part of Matlab. Code in m-language is translated into C. A huge library of m-language matmethods is available. Obtaining cotier from independent vendors. A graphical interface from which an m-language program is derived.

3. Making trades directly on the exchanges of the world. Brokers provide leverage, futures, options, but cannot charge a commission for access to the body and cancel trades due to "non-market quotes".

All three points are complete nonsense.

1. the broker is not the source of quotes anyway.

2. who will produce and fund this open source software ??? Maybe here :))) Ah, that Matlab has already moved into the category of opsorsors?

3. Imagine a broker: A miserable slave on the plantations, surrounded by a herd of slave owners (read customers) and each of them must provide a leverage :)))

Pardon me, I was wrong to agree. Independent quotes are broker-independent quotes. If your algorithm measures milliseconds, then it is a quote from a stock exchange, not a broker.

If your algorithm is measured in milliseconds, then it is a market maker which is not a market maker. But this has nothing to do with mt5.

Matlab is an example of openness.


why is MQL5 closed then?


I have different pings at different brokers. Every millisecond arbitrage occurs...


Everything is good as long as it's good. Then the broker's bet stands, the ping goes and the prices don't go the same way as in your bet, and then with a normal ping there is a situation called slippage.
So it is profitable for the new brokers.

There aren't many of them.

All three points are complete nonsense.

1. the broker is not the source of the quotes anyway.

2. who will produce and fund this open source software ??? Maybe here :))) Has matlab already moved into the category of opensource?

3. Imagine a broker: A miserable slave on the plantations, surrounded by a herd of slave owners (read customers) and each of them must provide a leverage :)))

You're the one who's delusional or has fallen from the moon.

there aren't many of them.
But logically they should have fewer expenses. There is no need to maintain redundant staff.

Matlab is an example of openness.

I am discussing the perspective of meta-quotes.

Let's imagine, let's dream, that everything that EViews has is inserted into MT. This add-on sells for less money than EVs. I would buy it. It's about that. And implementing trading on maths built on matlab is still possible.

Here I don't understand why you have to wait and ask for something, and even for money, when now you can do everything in Matlab and MT almost for free?