FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 178


I sold early today, if anyone's interested.

Mobilich, good for you, your choco eye did not let you down today)), and I did not sleep, got up and pressed buy and it was creepy, not according to TC, I had to wait and then take it, but who knew? really eye? 0_о

and I sold earlier today, if anyone's interested.
Where are you going to close? Bought the euro pound! (target 200pp. stop 15pp.)
where are you going to close? Bought the euro pound! (target 200pp. stop 15pp.)

the eu at 1.2950 is blinking ...maybe even today .
where are you going to close? Bought the euro pound! (target 200pp. stop 15pp.)

don't know yet... I do everything according to the circumstances. I'm doing it by feel. I'm going to see what the americans have to say. If it goes up, I'll close right away. If it flattens or goes down, I'll hold it till tonight.

The eu at 1.2950 is blinking... maybe even today.

You don't have anything else blinking?

Is there nothing else blinking?

Blinking and buzzing for a couple of hours now ....

this one will fall

Blinking, and buzzing for a couple of hours now .... yen to sell .Any other questions ?

Thanks for the proof. Asked for a peepshow, I'm posting this one of them:

And now I will say that on the gannu it is low, local, maybe not, but low, and also on the gannu the high (local?) will be from 17 to 20h msk
