FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 13: March 2012) - page 124

I suggest we change the username. Nostradamus is already there, you can change it to "BabaVanga" ))))
So already given - Mopa! - I like (maybe someone will come up with a better one )

*...Mobilich predicted that we'll fall hard at the end of March. And we'll come back to this conversation at the end of March*.

the head is out ...the right shoulder is drawing ...the bollinger is shrinking ...perhaps the situation will develop into a trend symmetrical with the trend on the left shoulder .... down ... in the meantime it will be a nerve racking... Up ...Down... 50-100 pips a day... The process of accumulation is started... but the downward trend should start from the upper bolinger plane...

There's a smooth downward slope on the eve.

There's a competition going on as to whose notes are more paper...

It's already been given - Mopa! - I like it (maybe someone will come up with a better one)
MOPALIUS! :))))))

Just for the fun of it.

Strauss-Kahn "became increasingly concerned" after the US froze the shipment - under existing agreements - of 191.3 tonnes of gold to the International Monetary Fund to be used as an alternative to reserve currencies.
While in the US, Strauss-Kahn received confirmation from CIA officials that there was no gold reserve. He tried to leave America as soon as possible. French secret-service agents warned him that the Americans were going to seize him at JFK airport in New York. On their advice, he got rid of his mobile phone so that his location could not be determined.
It is also interesting that the first headlines on this subject were:

FSB reported to Putin that Strauss-Kahn was pressed because he became aware of the lack of a gold reserve in the US.

If all this is true, then the value of the dollar in your wallet in terms of gold is actually less than everyone thinks - it's close to zero.

The only thing keeping the system from collapsing for now is market confidence. When it disappears, everything will disappear with it!
What does this have to do with Hillary Clinton ?
The U.S. sold 5,400 bars of gold to China at 400 pounds each. They turned out to be tungsten coated with gold (the density of gold is 19.32 and tungsten is 19.30). Tungsten is 400 times cheaper than gold. The bullion appeared in the U.S. stockpile during her husband's presidency and that shit is worth 600 billion. Secretary of State Hillary is now in control of the investigation process, she probably doesn't benefit from the hype and can be manipulated.
And it makes sense for holders of "safe" US reserves to drink valerian. MMM is resting and nervously smoking in the corner with envy.
For the curious, google fake gold tungsten fort knox USA


IMF to allocate 28 billion euros to Greece

This amount is significantly higher than what was previously planned. Legard (IMF chief)'s proposal will be considered next week.

I'm freaking out about gold. But there's no way I'm getting into it... I don't know how to trade it.

It can be caught by an advisor with a 10% drawdown:

The name should also include the opaque as an important element of the TA.