Friday nonsense - page 7


It's not for me. It's Cyril. Smart. You want my phone number?

oddly, the profile says Alexei.

You must have made a mistake when you typed in your name.


Happy Old Year, gentlemen! Happy New Year!


Yeah, same to you and the same, namesake! But congratulations to everyone else, too, on the most soviet holiday!

With the same end, as they say, and in the same place.

Oooh I see, I see your bad karma. Ooh come cookies ))))

I don't give a fuck about karma, karma affects people when they start to believe in it and I don't have to, I've been dead a hundred times)

You'll be fine, that's not my point. The main thing is to believe in success.

Happy New Year to all!


Тем-же концом, как говорить принято, да и по тому-же месту, - Угу?

Bullshit is bullshit. We have a simpler way of saying, "Same to you!


That's weird, the profile says Alexei.

Must have been a typo when you entered the name?

Hey, namesake, happy holiday to you, too!


Bullshit is bullshit. We have a simpler way of saying: "Same to you!".

Do you have an opinion, or an errand?

In fact, on the contrary, 4 billion years is a mere blink of an eye compared to the time of our existence. It doesn't even lend itself to any comparison.

And our true selves have no limits of existence in the past or the future. That is, time does not exist for them.

Life is eternal. :) We are part of some infinitely vast organism. Have you seen this picture?Вселенная

Do galaxies even collide? Maybe there's a field between them that keeps them from colliding. They may be approaching, but not colliding. :)


Life is eternal. :) We are part of some infinitely vast organism. Have you seen this picture?Вселенная

Do galaxies even collide? Maybe there is a field between them that prevents them from colliding. They can get close, but they can't collide. :)

The galaxies will never collide. Probability =0. And they can't get any closer.

I get it, you're joking.)


What great astronomers we have here...

The collision of galaxies is certainly not as direct a process as two billiard balls colliding. But it does happen. And our Milky Way is also expected to collide with Andromeda in about 5 billion years.

There will be relatively few direct collisions of stars, although there are about a few trillion each in both galaxies. This is simply the interaction of two gravitating clusters of matter. The main events will unfold near their central black superholes.

In fact, read about astronomy and cosmology ( here, for example): interesting things are going on there now.